Report: Iran designing nuclear submarine

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June 12, 2012

Iran has begun to design its first nuclear submarine, the Islamic Republic’s semiofficial news agency Fars reported on Tuesday.

The Fars report quotes deputy navy chief in charge of technical affairs, Rear Admiral Abbas Zamini, as saying that Iran has begun “initial stages” of designing the nuclear-powered craft.

Zamini added that Iran has developed “peaceful nuclear technology” and has both the capability and the right to build a submarine.

Iran and the West are odds over Tehran’s nuclear program. The United States suspects it is aimed at developing weapons technology, a charge Iran denies.

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5 Responses to “Report: Iran designing nuclear submarine”

  1. who could blame them with isreal and there dcmilitry killers on there door step sheeesh …there genocidal monsters

  2. what a fucking joke

  3. The above is an EVIL jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !! And they had to buy theirs off the “GERRIES” !!!

  4. Why not just buy one from China?

  5. Israel better shut up because they just bought 3 Dolphin class subs from Germany last week, and they can carry nuclear bomb cruise missiles.

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