Retailers prepare for biggest sales week

More than $1.7 billion is expected to be shelled out across Australia’s retail sector on Boxing Day sales, as shoppers bang elbows to grab specials.

Australian National Retailers Association (ANRA) chief Margy Osmond said she is expecting Monday’s sales to kick off the biggest trading week of the year.

It will be good for retailers and shoppers, she said.

“It’s very unfriendly weather over the last couple of weeks and it’s a bit chilly so you are going to see a huge amount of extra fashion goods,” Ms Osmond told reporters on Saturday.

In Melbourne and Sydney, city dwellers can start the spending rush as early as 5am (AEDT) at the giant department stores Myer and David Jones.

David Jones’ Queensland regional general manager, Rowena Derksen, said the Boxing Day sales were one of the store’s most important trading periods.

They are expecting to move more than a million men’s business shirts nationally, 115,000 pairs of women’s shoes and half a million towels.

Shoppers are predicted to spend $1.76 billion nationwide on Boxing Day, with $5.5 billion expected to be spent in the week from Boxing Day to New Year’s Eve, ANRA says.

Meanwhile the Australian Retail Association (ARA) has forecast a 2.4 per cent increase in consumer spending in the three weeks after Christmas.

They expect NSW consumers to spend $4.37 billion, followed by Victorians with $3.6 billion, Queenslanders ($2.87 billion) and West Australians ($1.6 billion).

During the crush, NSW Police are warning bargain hunters to watch their credit cards and their bags.

“In the hustle and bustle … it’s very easy for people to let their guard down and become vulnerable to crime,” NSW Police Force’s crime prevention spokesperson, Detective Superintendent Helen Begg.

When using your credit or Eftpos card, change your Personal Identification Number (PIN) regularly and check store receipts for any irregularities.

Use signatures and chip technology where possible, she said.


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