Right-to-die man faces Twitter campaign to change his mind ahead of court appearance

Paul Bentley and Mario Ledwith

18:15 EST, 17 June 2012


01:47 EST, 18 June 2012

A paralysed man who goes to court tomorrow to win the right to die is at the centre of an extraordinary Twitter campaign to get him to change his mind.

Days after Tony Nicklinson – who can communicate only by moving his eyelids – posted his first tweet, strangers from around the world have begun bombarding him with pro-life messages.

Tweets to Mr Nicklinson, which can be seen publicly, state ‘God loves you’ and try to persuade him to ‘hang in there’. One urges him that he must change his mind, if not for himself, ‘for your children’.

Court plea: Tony Nicklinson, 58, pictured with his wife Jane, suffers from 'locked-in' syndrome will find out later if the High Court has thrown out his case seeking a right to assisted suicide

Court plea: Tony Nicklinson, 58, pictured with his wife Jane, suffers from ‘locked-in’ syndrome will find out later if the High Court has thrown out his case seeking a right to assisted suicide

Mr Nicklinson, 58, is seeking to make
legal history by challenging the Government over the right to die. He
has suffered from locked-in syndrome since a stroke on a business trip
in Athens in 2005.

While his
mind was unaffected, his condition has meant he has spent most of the
past seven years alone in his room and unable to communicate with family
and friends.

In a landmark
case, he and his family are due to go to the High Court to argue that a
doctor should lawfully be allowed to end his life.

Nicklinson began using social networking site Twitter on Wednesday. His
first message read: ‘Hello world. I am Tony Nicklinson, I have
locked-in syndrome and this is my first ever tweet.’

is thought that he is the first person in the world to tweet with his
eyelids, using a computer system which tracks his blinks to translate
his thoughts into written words.

His posts have provided a fascinating insight into the life of someone trapped inside their own body.

Response: Strangers from around the world have contacted Tony Nicklinson with pro-life messages

Response: Strangers from around the world have contacted Tony Nicklinson with pro-life messages

Campaign: Within days of posting his first tweet, people began contacting Tony Nicklinson, who has 'locked-in syndrome', with pro-life messages

Campaign: Within days of posting his first tweet, people began contacting Tony Nicklinson, who has ‘locked-in syndrome’, with pro-life messages

In one, he wrote: ‘Just had an old
school friend call in for a chat with us but mostly Jane [his wife]
because she can speak. Still, it was nice to see him.’

He amassed almost 14,000 followers in
just five days – but while some have supported his fight, many who
believe he should not be allowed to ask a doctor to kill him have used
the site to try convince him to change his mind.

user, writing under the name @llanguages, wrote: ‘Hi Tony, I will pray
that you will reconsider as every life is a celebration. If not for
yourself, do it for your children.’

Another added: ‘Everything happens for a reason. Please Tony, fight to live.’

Twitter user from the US has started sending him links to websites for
charities which offer physical therapy to help those suffering from

Another wrote: ‘You hang in there and do what’s right’, while many messages mentioned the will of God.

Urged: Tony Nicklinson has been bombarded with messages on Twitter urging him to change his mind about seeking the right to die

Urged: Tony Nicklinson has been bombarded with messages on Twitter urging him to change his mind about seeking the right to die

Sheila Marie King wrote: ‘God has a plan and a purpose why these [sic] happens in your life. Be a good example and an INSPIRATION to everyone.’

In response to the more supportive messages received by her father, Mr Nicklinson’s daughter Beth wrote on the site: ‘Loving how much support my dad @TonyNicklinson is getting. HIS choice, HIS life, HIS rights.’

At the High Court tomorrow, lawyers for Mr Nicklinson will argue that it is necessary to allow a doctor to kill him because forcing him to stay alive would be worse.

Mr Nicklinson is too severely disabled to take his own life.

Among those who support the legal battle is neurologist Dr Stelios Doris, who saved Mr Nicklinson’s life after he had a stroke.

On a Channel 4 Dispatches, programme about Mr Nicklinson’s case which will air tonight, Dr Doris said: ‘Death is more normal than to stay alive in this condition. So when I was informed that he was still alive I was surprised and sad also. I wouldn’t like for even for my worst enemy to stay alive in this condition for so many years.’

Earlier this year, an independent commission on assisted dying concluded for the first time that certain people should be helped to die. But this only applies to those who are terminally  ill and are able to take the final action to end their lives themselves – which excludes Mr Nicklinson.

Some campaigners have objected to the way Mr Nicklinson has been bombarded with outspoken messages  on Twitter.

A spokesman for campaign group Dignity in Dying, which does not entirely support Mr Nicklinson’s case, said they hoped ‘people will be respectful of Mr Nicklinson on Twitter regardless of whether they agree with him or not’.


Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Hi Tony….Just Remember you have already made your peace with God and more importantly with…Your family…so take no notice of those who wish to interfere…..for they do not know you….only you and your family …know what is reality…for it is their reality too.
I sincerely hope you win your case…enjoy your last precious moments with your family and find the infinite peace
that you deserve….God Bless you…for he certainly Won’t Judge you….Lots of Luck…Best Regards ….

His choice. God should stay out of it.

Why shouldn’t he be allowed to end his own life as he chooses? He’s not happy, and lives an undignified life, and is clearly making the decision in sound state of mind. What right does anybody else have to tell him he must continue living? Without this syndrome, he’d be free to take his own life as he chose to. Have some dignity and give people struck down by these horrendous circumstances the right to be free of their suffering.

All these “right to life” people really annoy me. How do they know how he feels? Are they willing to spend 24 hours a day tending to this gentleman’s EVERY need? Probably not but I expect they’ll pray for him.

It his life, therefore if he chooses to end it he should be allowed to with dignity and respect. Just leave him alone so that he can quietly make his exit. Good on you my friend, God bless you.

I have cancer and only have a few weeks to live and know exactly how Tony feels, It should be his choice, if anyone has a terminal illness, they should have the right to choose. These people are ok telling him what to do, wonder what they would say if they had a terminal illness. GOOD LUCK TONY, I HOPE YOU WIN YOUR CASE.

How would they end his life? Im asking seriously, not joking. Im trying to fathom being in this situation and I still would not want to die. I know its his choice but the fact that his family is helping him fight so he can die is so unbelievably Surreal to me

It’s his choice and his life and it’s his right to do what he wants with his body, I hope they grant him what he wants.

there really are some disgusting people out there. What he does with his life is nobody else’s business but his and his family’s. Most of these sickos seem to be bible thumpers…….one day they will get to the bit in their manual that says “judge not lest ye be judged” and STOP RAMMING THEIR BELIEFS DOWN OTHER PEOPLE’S THROATS.

Anybody who is encouraging him to keep on suffering has obviously never suffered properly before. It’s selfish to want him to stay alive against his will.

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