RIM to demo PlayBook OS 2.0 at CES, then BB 10 at Mobile World Congress

Research in Motion has begun sending invitations to what it calls an “intimate event” to be held during CES 2012, where the company will show off version 2.0 of its PlayBook tablet software.  Then, just over a month later at Mobile World Congress, it’ll be displaying BB 10, the highly anticipated next-generation smartphone operating system.

Now, it’s worth noting that RIM hasn’t said they’ll be releasing either pieces of software at the shows, so at the moment it’s best to treat this as a demonstration rather than a launch. Still, we can hope for a surprise, can’t we?

In the case of PlayBook OS 2.0, it’ll be a most welcome surprise if at the very least, a firm release date is provided. Initially expected last year — at first, mere weeks after the tablet’s launch — but then repeatedly delayed, the last estimation put it around February 2012. However, given the recent price drop for the beleaguered tablet, it would be a good bit of PR to get the update out the door early.

The event invite, published by Engadget, also mentions that BlackBerry OS 7 will be on display, however as the smartphone software has been around since May last year this could just be a token gesture rather than any new features.

No, for exciting developments regarding smartphone software, we’ve got to wait until Mobile World Congress at the end of February, where according to Pocket-Lint.com, BlackBerry OS 10 will be on display for all to admire. Renamed OS 10 after a legal battle over the BBX name, the software isn’t expected to be released until later in the year, so this will almost certainly be a demonstration of its abilities than anything else.

While the spokesperson mentions “BBM connected apps” and NFC as features on display, it’s not clear whether any new hardware will be there running BlackBerry OS 10. If RIM really wants to start 2012 off with a bang, then that would be the way to do so.

This article was originally posted on Digital Trends

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