Ron Paul Vs GOP Warmongers: Congressman Romps To Victory In Iowa Debate

Paul is the only candidate who will end ceaseless foreign invasions

Steve Watson
Aug 12, 2011

Iowa GOP Debate

Ron Paul emerged the clear winner of last night’s FOX News GOP debate according to a poll of Fox viewers and even according to analysis in the Washington Post, as the congressman cemented the fact that he is the only hope America has of ending its involvement in multiple costly and damaging wars across the globe.

Paul was in his element at the Iowa debate and delivered the most comprehensible and impassioned performance seen at any of the debates thus far.

Every other candidate in attendance attempted to scramble over their rivals to lead the charge for the military industrial complex, while Paul stuck firmly to his anti-war principles, demanding that US troops be brought home with immediate effect.

During a heated back and forth with Rick Santorum regarding a potential conflict with Iran, Paul showed true statesman qualities, arguing that merely slapping sanctions on the country and refusing to even entertain the idea of negotiating with the Iranian leadership would lead directly to conflict further down the line.

“They have no evidence that they are working on a weapon,” Paul said. “At least our leaders and Reagan talked to the Soviets. What is so terribly bad about this? Countries you put sanctions on, you are more likely to fight them. I say a policy of peace is free trade, stay out of their internal business. Do not get involved in these wars and bring our troops home.” The Congressman added.

When Santorum insisted that Iran had “killed more American men and women in uniform in Iraq and Afghanistan than the Iraqis and Afghans have,” Paul urged the American people to see through such examples of war propaganda.

When Santorum added that Iran had been “at war with us since 1979″, Paul countered that it was the meddling of the CIA in Iran in the 1950s that had directly caused such “blowback”.

“The senator is wrong on his history,” Paul urged. “We’ve been at war in Iran for a lot longer than ’79. We started it in 1953 when we sent in a coup, installed the Shah. The reaction, the blow-back came in 1979, it’s been going on and on because we just plain don’t mind our own business. That’s our problem!” The Congressman asserted as the crowd in attendance erupted into riotous applause and cheering.

“Iran is a threat because they have some militants there, but believe me they are all around the world, and they are not a whole lot different than others.” The Congressman added. “Iran does not have an air force that can come here, they can’t even make enough gasoline for themselves.” Paul said as he fended off constant attempts by Santorum to interrupt him with authority.

“They are building up this case just like we did in Iraq, build up the war propaganda. There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq, and ‘they had nuclear weapons and we had to go in’, I’m sure you supported that war as well,” said Paul, directing his words toward the former Senator.

In the stand out moment of the entire evening,  a clearly emotional Ron Paul almost burst out of the screen as he boomed into the microphone “It’s time we quit this. IT’S TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS WE’RE SPENDING ON THESE WARS!”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

In other particular highlight, Paul schooled phony tea party wannabe candidate Michele Bachmann on the rule of law after Bachmann defended the gulags at Guantanamo Bay and insisted that accused “terrorists” have no rights whatsoever under the American justice system.

“I thought our courts recognized that you have to be tried,” Paul responded.

“This administration has already accepted the position that when you assume someone is a terrorist, they can be targeted for assassination – even American citizens, that affects all of us eventually, you don’t want to translate our rule of law into mob rule.” Paul hit back.

Watch all of Paul’s answers and exchanges below:

As the accompanying screenshot illustrates, Fox viewers watching online overwhelmingly declared Paul the winner of the debate.

Fox poll

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post concurred, noting “Amid whispers that Paul could perform better than expected in the Ames Straw Poll on Saturday, he was at the center of the conversation for the entire second hour of the debate.”

“…he had the best chance he has ever enjoyed to air his views.” Cillizza concluded.

Conor Friedersdorf of The Atlantic succinctly explains why Paul’s performance last night resonated with the American people and had the establishment reacting as if they were sucking on lemons:

“To me, the most off-putting moment perpetrated by the moderators was when Ron Paul was shouting about wanting to end foreign wars. Chris Wallace and Bret Baier mugged for the camera, as if to signal their mutual embarrassment that a candidate would get earnestly upset and passionate. That unhinged Ron Paul, getting all angry and losing his cool again. And in the game of national politics, it is unusual for pols to show normal human emotion. But for someone like Paul, who doesn’t regard our foreign wars as part of “politics as game” — who very earnestly believes that they’re resulting in needless death, destruction, and trillions of dollars squandered — it isn’t at all bizarre to get a bit passionate talking about war of all subjects.

Note too that we’re talking about a presidential primary debate, where grown men and women say the most absurd things in the course of pandering to voters. It is damning indeed that someone passionately staking out an unpopular position against foreign wars is all but laughed at for doing so, whereas the moderators react to all manner of political theater with straight faces. It’s almost as if the implications of Paul’s critique is too awful for Wallace and Baier to take seriously, so they dismiss it as a mental defense mechanism. No wonder we keep entering wars.”


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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12 Responses to “Ron Paul Vs GOP Warmongers: Congressman Romps To Victory In Iowa Debate”

  1. It was a joy to see Ron Paul firing on all cylinders!
    You can see all the other canidates with no ideas! they kinda looked like a moldie twinkie.
    As far as Rick Santorum,not only did he get a historty lesson but he looked like ajerk with his crybaby antics!! Ron paul 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Good for Ron Paul!
    I will wait for them to ask him about UFOs and aliens. I do not know why, but it is always a key issue ..

  3. 10 minutes after the debate ended the poll was

    Ron Paul 2:1 over #2 Gingrich
    Ron Paul 3.5:1 over #3 Cain

    Then it was Bachmann #4, Romney #5, Santorum, Huntsman, Pawlenty

    By 11:00 central it was

    1. RON PAUL 8:5 over #2, 7:2 over #3
    2. Newt
    3. Cain
    4. Mitt
    5. Bachmann
    6. Santorum
    7. Huntsman
    8. Pawlenty

  4. Save lives…vote Ron Paul.

  5. When they start inviting Libertarians to the table, it is to blame their fiat system on freedom.

  6. Ron Paul seems like a George McGovern Redux

    “One of the most memorable of the failings of McGovern’s campaign was that, at the Democratic Convention, McGovern delivered his speech (“Come home America!”) at 3 in the morning, reaching an audience of probably less than one million. This was supposedly the result of McGovern either repaying favors or yielding to pressure to give more than a dozen interest groups what were supposed to be two or three minutes of face time on network TV. Most of these special-interest speakers ignored time limits, with the result that McGovern spoke to a more-than-half-empty auditorium.”

    I have a feeling they will try and pull the same thing if Paul is the GOP frontrunner

  7. ron paul will win the rep nod the jackboot will try to do harm but fail, 2012 ron paul will be the president he will revert to the constitution causing the nwo nazi to take there un and move to the eu. this will cause the usa to explode in wealth and technology a second renosonce period up and untill the second comming. the eagel is perserved to part help protect israel with her wings!

    i watched the movie mosheady the mexican race war story and after the child like actions and cheezy graphics the story line holds interest the acting is ok and you get to like the lead actor.
    i know its not a good movie foe believers but i did lol about 40% of it and its worth watching in my opinion!

  8. Ron Paul is the only constitutionalist among this republican candidates; however, i wish Ron becomes more aggressive toward NWO zionists. Also Ron needs to attack Obama harder he can breakdown Obama by using Obama’s Goldman Sach scandal Birth Certificate!
    Also I want to know his sure position about planned parenthood homosex culture.

  9. Thank God. Somebody with a brain and a memory. Great job on schooling Santorum on Iran!

  10. I’d advise the good doctor to stay away from any grassy knolls for the foreseeable future ..

  11. He’s the only one who’s not a Zionist stooge. The rest aren’t worth a bucket of warm spit!

  12. It’s interesting, and discusting, to notice that Fox News viewers were urged to cast their vote on FoxNews.Com after the debate. Then, when the votes went heavily in Ron Paul’s favor, they rermoved the poll from the site. Almost laughable. Ron is reaching people with a brain who can think. Go Ron.

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