RT office fills with choking smoke as blaze rages nearby (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

It is incredible how much smoke and fire a single burning perfume store can produce. While fire brigades fought the blaze, clouds of black smoke spread across central Moscow and filled every corner of the RT office.

The fire broke out in the south-western part of central Moscow near the Park Kultury Metro station, spreading across an area of some 300 square meters. The burning store overlooked the Garden Ring Avenue, being next to RT and RIA Novosti offices, as well as the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. It is also surrounded by a number of office buildings.

­It took some time for the fire brigades to arrive, but the fire has now been completely extinguished. No casualties have been reported.

RT photo / Timur Zolotoev
RT photo / Timur ZolotoevView on the RIA Novosti and RT offices (left) through the smoke
View on the RIA Novosti and RT offices (left) through the smokeRT photo / Timur Zolotoev
RT photo / Timur Zolotoev

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