Rugged iPhone case designed for extreme sports needs a kickstart

Are you a self-confessed klutz or an adrenaline junkie? You probably choose not to carry your phone all the time — at least not without protection like the one Snow Lizard Products believes it can offer. The company claims its upcoming rugged iPhone case, Aqua Tek S, can keep your device safe no matter what you do to it. You can even scuba dive, snowboard, or do other extreme sports with your phone in your pocket without having to worry about anything.

Based on the video of the case above, you can see that it can make your iPhone 4 or 4S look a bit chunky. But if you’re willing to trade a bit of sleekness for protection, the tough polycarbonate material can withstand drops, and can keep your phone waterproof for up to 20′ underwater, according to the manufacturer. The case even has an attached solar panel that you can use to harness energy for your device in case you find yourself stuck on a deserted island or in the middle of a traffic jam without a charger.

Snow Lizard is currently looking to raise a hefty $75,000 on Kickstarter in less than a month so Aqua Tek S can be released to the public. The first three colors available to project backers are orange, black, and grayish camouflage. If ever the company meets its goal, a total of nine designs will be sold for $130 each, including a pink and reggae camouflage as well as a leopard print pattern.


This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

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