Russia sends spy ship to Syria coast: report


Russia has sent a reconnaissance vessel from its Black Sea fleet to the coast off Syria, a report said Monday, as Moscow anxiously watches Western plans for military action against the Damascus regime, a report said Monday.

The SSV-201 intelligence ship Priazovye on Sunday evening started its voyage from its home port of Sevastopol in Ukraine “to the appointed region of military service in the eastern Mediterranean,” a military source told the Interfax news agency.

“The crew has the mission… of collecting operative information in the region of an escalating conflict,” it added. The source said that the ship’s deployment was carried out within the minimum time possible.

The source said that the ship would not be a formal part of the group of warships from the Russian Navy currently in the region and would be reporting directly to the general staff in Moscow.

A source in the general staff had told Interfax last week that Russia wanted to receive the maximum information about the possible military action in the interests of Russian state security.

“We intend… to thoroughly analyse the tactics of the protagonists in a possible conflict,” a general staff source told the news agency.

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