SA government welcomes waterfront deal

South Australian Industrial Relations Minister Russell Wortley says calmer heads have prevailed in the waterfront dispute which threatened to close down ports in Melbourne on Monday.

Around 500 stevedore DP World workers were to stop work in Melbourne for 24 hours following an eight-month dispute between the company and the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) over pay and conditions.

The company was set to retaliate with a 24-hour lock-out of its staff to begin immediately after the stoppage.

The action was planned following similar strikes and a lock-out involving DP World and stevedore workers in Adelaide recently.

But the Melbourne stoppage was called off over the weekend after the parties reached an in-principle agreement for a new enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA).

Mr Wortley said the deal highlighted the need to provide all parties involved in enterprise bargaining time and space to negotiate outcomes.

“Calmer heads have prevailed and this latest development on the waterfront provides a timely reminder that employers and those representing their employees need to be given every opportunity to resolve any differences as part of a healthy industrial relations system,” he said.

The minister said the SA government would continue to monitor other enterprise bargaining negotiations in the private sector as they emerged to ensure that they did not pose a threat to the local economy.

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