Sabert Corporation Invests in Solar

Leading Plastics Manufacturing Firm Cuts Overhead with Solar Energy

Sayerville, NJ (PRWEB) April 25, 2012

Sabert Corporation, a leader in the food packaging industry, has made a significant investment in renewable energy over the past year. Furthering their ongoing commitment to sustainability, Sabert recently implemented solar energy systems at their east coast locations. Vanguard Energy Partners designed and constructed the solar arrays at Sabert’s Research and Development Center (RDC) and Northeast Manufacturing Facility, both in Sayerville, New Jersey. The New Jersey arrays were Sabert’s second solar installation; their first solar system was built at their west coast facility.

The 3.176 MW New Jersey roof mount systems were constructed in the Fall of 2011, and generate enough clean electricity to substantially offset Sabert’s electricity costs. As a manufacturer and distributor with 24/7 operations, Sabert was the perfect candidate for an energy-saving solar solution.

“We believe in the value and future of solar energy, and its ability to foster a sustainable, profitable environment for Sabert,” said Burt Schaeffer, Director of Construction at Sabert Corporation. “In a short period of time, Sabert has saved thousands of dollars in electricity costs, in addition to decreasing our carbon footprint.”

Sabert’s Sayerville, NJ solar arrays are expected to produce approximately 3,652,400 kWh of clean energy within the first year, which is equivalent to the avoided emissions of 5,552,415 pounds of CO2. Annually, this is comparable to eliminating 494 vehicles off of the road, or conserving 5,857 barrels of oil.

“Sabert’s commitment to the environment and the long term viability to their operations is admirable and smart,” said Alex Rivera, Vice President of Business Development at Vanguard Energy Partners. “Sabert Corporation has set a great example of sustainability in the plastics industry.”

About Sabert Corporation

Sabert Corporation is a global leader and innovator in the food packaging industry. Since 1984, Sabert has been designing, manufacturing and distributing quality, cost-effective solutions for packaging, displaying, serving and storing fine food. Sabert, headquartered in Sayerville, New Jersey, also has North American facilities in California and Kentucky, as well as manufacturing facilities in Belgium and China.

About Vanguard Energy Partners

Vanguard Energy Partners, a national solar construction firm, has designed and installed over 50 MW of solar projects since 2003. These projects include the highest solar array in the world, one of the largest rooftop arrays in North America, and the first commercial net zero electric facility in the United States. With a bonding capacity exceeding $125M, Vanguard’s project portfolio continues to grow rapidly to meet our clients’ needs. Additionally, Vanguard’s Energy Maintenance Solutions (EMS) Division monitors and maintains over 52 MW of projects.

Victoria Tarentino
Vanguard Energy Partners
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