Satire Video : Vote Yes to Fiscal treaty or Else !

Satire Video : Vote Yes to Fiscal treaty or Else !


Not sure how to vote in the forthcoming referendum? Let this objective, dispassionate video be your guide!

Everyone in Ireland should see this funny take on how the political establishment really sees us, and uses the media that typically reworks the attitude into more palatable and affluent Dublin 4 speak (derision carefully veiled), for public consumption.



Related posts:

  1. Fiscal Treaty – Reasons to vote ‘NO’
  2. Mandate union says they are advising members to vote ‘no’ to Fiscal Treaty
  3. Third major trade union urges members to vote No on fiscal treaty referendum
  4. Video: Farmers For No to EU Fiscal Compact Treaty – Full Press Conference, 10th May 2012
  5. Germany to become ‘Fatherland’ again if Fiscal Treaty passes
  6. Europe-wide effects of Fiscal Treaty policies
  7. Poll indicates 55% of voters do not understand European Union Fiscal Treaty
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