Saudi Arabia’s Princess Sara claims asylum in the UK

“I am very scared right now,” she told The Sunday Telegraph at a secret
location. “They know I can’t go back now. There is a threat. That’s a slap
in the face of the Kingdom.

“I’ve been physically abused. I’ve been mentally abused. My assets have been
frozen. They’ve accused me of being in opposition [to them] with Iran, they
haven’t left anything. I’ve been crucified in every way.”

On Friday, Princess Sara’s lawyers notified the Home Office of her intention
to seek asylum. Ministers must assess the truth of the allegations and
decide whether to offer her a safe haven – a diplomatic dilemma because
Saudi authorities want her to return.

Princess Sara has lived in the UK since 2007 after she fell out with her
80-year-old father, Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud, known as The Red

She says of her relationship with him: “Everything goes back to a certain
aspect that I don’t discuss in public. Something happened with my father and
he didn’t take it lightly. He retaliated against me and wanted to crush me.
I had been his closest; I had been his favourite. It shook my world.”

While living first in the Cotswolds, then in London she won custody of her
children. She has had a continuing inheritance battle with her older
brother, Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud, over their dead
mother’s £325 million fortune, made up of cash, jewels and property in Saudi
Arabia, Switzerland, Egypt and Lebanon.

She claims she was cut off from her inheritance. Saudi officials have asked
her to return to Riyadh to argue her case, rather than air her grievances

Her asylum claim offers an insight into the tensions within the Saudi royal
family. With the current king ill, Princess Sara was supported by her uncle,
the Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz al Saud, a rival of her father’s. But
last month he died, leaving her exposed and seemingly prompting her push for

She grew up in a Riyadh palace with untold riches at her disposal. Asked if
she was ferried everywhere by Rolls-Royce, she replied: “I hate
Rolls-Royces, I love Aston Martins,” before adding: “Actually I am very

Her grandfather was King Abdulaziz, the founder of the Saudi state. Her
father, a radical and a reformer, was exiled briefly in the 1960s but
returned to the fold, and her mother, who died of cancer in 2008, was Prince
Talal’s third wife. Among her 14 brothers and sisters is Prince Al-Waleed
bin Talal, who runs the country’s sovereign wealth fund and is one of the
richest men in the world.

“They called me the little Barbie as I was like this cute little girl who had
everything,” recalled Princess Sara of her childhood. “But my British nanny
brought me up in a very strict manner.

“My branch of the family was always different from the rest of Al Saud – open,
controversial and diverse. We celebrate Christmas.”

She studied at the King Saud University in Riyadh, and married a royal cousin
while still young. She was divorced in her twenties.

She worked with her father as he travelled in his role as an ambassador to
Unicef, visiting refugee camps where she was instilled, she says, with a
need to address injustice. “I just had a feeling my roles as a princess and
a society lady and a reformer contradicted each other,” she said. “As a
princess you have more obligations you have to take seriously.

“It is not privilege. It is work, work, work. I would say I associate myself
with Princess Anne [except] maybe different looks.”

Wearing a V-neck sweater, leggings and running shoes, Princess Sara dresses
like any Westerner and refuses to wear a veil. Her nails are bright red and
her hair is in a plait because she has not had time to wash it before an
interview that has taken many days – and several false starts – to organise.

Two years after she moved to the UK her passport expired, and the Saudi
embassy refused to issue a new one. She is threatened with deportation
because her visa has also run out. A mystery backer gives her a regular

“I would like the king to send an envoy to solve all these problems and give
me guarantees,” she said, adding that she had nothing but respect for the

A previous attempt to entice her home was a disaster: as she met a Saudi
official at the Dorchester Hotel in February last year, her security detail
became convinced of a possible kidnapping risk. Their surveillance notes
will be handed to the Home Office.

She will further argue that she has been subjected “to a litany of serious
crimes, including threats, assault, an attempted kidnapping and the
attempted abduction of my children”. The motives, she believes, are

Princess Sara believes forces, acting independently of the king, her father
and close family, are behind the alleged criminal acts.

She claims that she was assaulted outside the Saudi embassy by an official who
tried to grab her arm. The police were not called because the princess was
trying to avoid a scandal.

She has become the victim of a internet smear campaign questioning her mental
stability and connecting her to the Saudi opposition and Hizbollah –
allegations she denies. She wants to fight back. “I am not brave at all,”
she said, “I just see a cause. I know what is right and what is wrong. I
have to stick to it. I want my rights and my dignity back.”

Yet she does not wish to challenge King Abdullah’s authority, nor that of
Sharia. “I am a threat because I am a reformer from within. My way is the
modern Islamic way,” she said.

A Saudi princess has caused problems for Anglo-Saudi relations before. In
1980, the British ambassador was expelled and export orders cancelled after
ITV broadcast Death of a Princess about the execution of a princess for

Princess Sara is trying to bring up her four teenage children in a “strict but
loving environment”. During the interview, one son sent her a text message
asking what film they should watch that evening. She is trying to lead, she
says, a normal life. The circumstances, however, are exceptional.

A Saudi embassy diplomat said: “The embassy has been involved in settling her
visa issue and residency issue in the UK. We have tried to settle this
issue. This matter is of a personal nature so there is only so much the
government can do. It’s not a political matter.”

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