Scaffolder Christopher Towers who attacked young mother is jailed for 3 years

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 9:29 PM on 6th January 2012

Christopher Towers arriving at Newcastle Crown Court before being sentenced for GBH

Christopher Towers arriving at Newcastle Crown Court before being sentenced for GBH

A mother who was left paralysed after a petty row over a spilled drink applauded in court yesterday as her attacker was jailed.

Claire Hilton, 29, had been horrified when Christopher Towers was allowed home for Christmas after admitting grievous bodily harm.

Yesterday she said she was pleased after Towers, who broke her neck with a single punch, appeared for sentence and was locked away for three and a  half years.

But wheelchair-bound Miss Hilton, who has an 11-year-old son, said her overwhelming emotion was anger.

‘I am pleased with the result but angry this happened to me at all. This has ruined my life and my son’s life.’

Miss Hilton, a telesales worker from Sunderland, was visiting a pub in Boldon, South Tyneside, with friends when a pint of cider was accidentally knocked over, marking the dress of Towers’s mother Lynn Flaherty, 46.

The friends offered to buy Flaherty another drink but she, 24-year-old Towers and his girlfriend Kelly McKone flew into a rage and refused to calm down.

They were eventually ordered out of the pub but waited outside until Miss Hilton and her friends left.

McKone, 30, hit Miss Hilton and Flaherty slapped one of her friends. Then, said prosecutor Julie Clemitson at Newcastle Crown Court, Towers ‘ran over and punched Claire Hilton full force to the left side of her face’.

She continued: ‘This knocked her over and she hit a wall behind her before falling to the ground.

Paralysed young mum Claire Hilton was at court today to see her attacker sentenced

Paralysed young mum Claire Hilton was at court today to see her attacker sentenced

Claire Hilton (left) with friend Joanna Teasdale before the attack which left her with a broken neck and back

Claire Hilton (left) with friend Joanna Teasdale before the attack which left her with a broken neck and back

‘Almost immediately she came round and
realised she was paralysed.’ Doctors said Miss Hilton’s neck injury was
more normally seen in road accident victims. She spent five months in
hospital where she almost died.

It was initially feared she would be
permanently paralysed. While she is slowly showing signs of recovery,
she will never regain full movement.

Without her 11-year-old son Callum, she told the court in a statement, she would see no point in living.

There were shouts in court of ‘I hope you enjoy it’ as Towers, from Boldon,  was led away to start his sentence.

His mother and McKone, from South Shields, were both given community orders after admitting common assault.


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Three and a half years – 42 months – 21 months with good behaviour, maybe even less if he’s tagged. Still supporting the convicted more than the victim, who is suffering right now and potentially for many years to come. I’m glad to hear she has regained some mobility, albeit very very lightly, but she still has to struggle immensely. She can’t link with her young boy and she’s lost out on the physical things she got up to prior to, because this thug cowardly punched her. I can imagine it was one she didn’t even see coming, so he had to sneak up on her to do it, his face makes me sick. No way does the sentence reflect the offence and the aftermath, should have been 8 years minimum. Practically taken her life from her and given her an alternative much more restrictive one. All from a split drink. Seems to be the norm for a fight to ensue from a split drink nowadays. Crazy.

I don’t understand the need to say what the profession is of these vile people? Makes everyone think all scaffolders are like this when they aren’t?
He has taken away her life as she knew it and so he should get life in prison.

3 years, is this a joke, this woman has been sentenced for life, 33 years may have been more appropriate. Only in Britain.

obviously a proppa hard man hitting women his parents /pals must be so proud he could only serve 1/2 his sentence which is bad enough but will be tagged and out in about 12 months or even less ,pure scum

Why only 3 years?, he has caused life changing injuries to this lady, lets see this sentence reviewed.

What an animal.

Three years and a half years? That is an insult to his victim. He has ruined her life and should be put away for the rest of his.

If one thing gets my blood boiling is when i read storys of men punching women they are without doubt cowards of the first order unless your life or others lives are in danger then you just don`t hit women, Back in the day if you spilt your drink on someone or knocked a drink over you apologized unreservedly and replaced the drinks you had spilt having had the misfortune to have had a accident of this sort myself the ones whos drinks i had knocked over would say don`t worry i have done the same thing myself not start to beat the hell out of each other however i am from a different generation so may be thats what it is.

3 years? Are you serious, his victim got a life sentence..What a miscarriage of justice!

3 years only! Why even bother sentencing him to the jail. He will probably end up becoming a professional criminal after such short sentence.

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