School Choice is Cover for Communist Indoctrination: Charlotte Iserbyt Reports

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Charlotte Iserbyt exposes the dumbing down of American schoolchildren.

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19 Responses to “School Choice is Cover for Communist Indoctrination: Charlotte Iserbyt Reports”

  1. As much as I admire Charolette, it must be understood that she emerged from the “old school” thought based on the “Red Scare”, with a commie under every bed. Today, the MIC have replaced Bolsheviks with Islam. The dumbing down part is not necessarily a plot per se, but more of a result. If I have to give it a label, I would call it the “Walter White” symptom, in honor of the fictitious High School Chemistry teacher turned world-class crystal meth cook.

    The TV series that spawned Walter White asked a very interesting question: amid all the furor about discrimination against blacks and latinos and women and pedophiles and animal lovers and tree huggers and on and on, what happens when the Walter Whites of the world have had enough, and say “Screw the nobility of this shite teaching profession” and begin to get their piece of the pie?

    Folks, civilization didn’t get here on the backs or the mental prowess of the blacks or latinos or the women or the… Now, I’m not talking about the Simon LeGrees, Hitlers, or the Stalins, I’m talking about the medicines, the health care, the electronics, the mechanization, the literature, the foods, the space ships the… and if you are going to put the fate of civilzation into the hands of the poor, trodden upon minorities mentioned above, we are definitely, absolutely, positively doomed. I know, I know, we’ll now get treated to blubbering and slobbering about slavery and land theft and gender equality and so on, but slaves didn’t build the Pyramids, slaves didn’t discover and learn to utilize penicillin, didn’t develop the Jupiter C rocket and so on.

    So, what does happen when you piss off the Walter Whites, when you have shat upon them to the point where they finally say “Fark it and Fark you. Teach your own kids, I don’t really care anymore”? Well, take a look at the inner cities, take a listen to that audio tear-gas called Rap – and then wait for that plaintiff bleating of the ignorant masses: “Somebody should DO something!” Yeah, good luck with that.

    jchance Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    The dumbing down of Americans is a deliberate plot zeroskill. It is a proven fact that it is.

    Every developed nation got to where it was on the backs of minorities and immigrants. You are high not to believe that fact. You bring up Hitler and and Stalin claiming this when they were two of the biggest offenders of such an approach in developing their nations. A lot of the technology the Nazis created was done so with slave labor of the Jews and Russians producing the finished product. Stalin not only built the finish product on slave labor, he used the slave labor to develop the technologies themselves. Most of Stalin’s technical people were thrown in prison and given the choice of either do what they are told or their families will be murdered. You don’t know one damn thing about what you are talking about.

    zeroskill Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 1:28 pm

    “Every developed nation got to where it was on the backs of minorities and immigrants.” Oh brother. Tell me, who were the minorities who won the Revolutionary War for us? As far as immigrants are concerned, of course America relied on immigrants, the indigenous population was a little underwhelming, technologically speaking.

    Thank you for the blubbering and whining about slavery. As far as me knowing “a damn thing about what I am talking about”, I see that you tout the standard American party line pretty well – y’know the one they teach to all those “dumbed down” people you are whining about. I’m curious, which part of the Wehrmact did the Germans use slaves to overrun France and Holland and Belgium and 55% of Russia? Did the Nazis use slave labor, most certainly; but did slave labor bring Germany out of the post WWI depression? Was it slaves who brought German industry to the level of quality and technological leadership in the world? It is impossible to believe that you are that dumb. What Stalin did with his “technical people” is a matter of who you listen to. I’m not defending Stalin, nor am I saying that he didn’t use slave labor as well, but if you are trying to say that modern Russia was built by slaves, you are definite proof that dumbing down is working. If you knew a damn thing about Russian history, you would know why Stalin did what he did, as inexcusable as it was.

    As far as the “deliberate plot” that you are soiling your pantyhose over, tell me who plotted? Why is it that kids of Asian decent don’t seem to have any problem getting educated pretty damn well? Don’t go inventing boogie men where there are none, you sound like dick Cheney. There is no “plot” to dumb down American kids because there doesn’t have to be a plot. Left on it’s own, the American public will kill any attempt to make any workable education system in this country. How do you make people who were never educated understand the value of good education?

    Elm Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:16 pm

    A true education inculcates an ability in the people to think cogently rationally, whereas training teaches people to react and obey. This is the primary difference.

    19th of April Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 1:29 pm

    Slaves did build the useless Pyramids.

    zeroskill Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    I could simply say, “Prove it.”, but I doubt that that would be sufficient; it is self-evident that a structure as large, as accurate and as, long lived as the pyramids could never be built by people who didn’t want to be there. To make something as imposing as the pyramids, it would take a trained technical class of people, who were proud of their craftsmanship, and proud of themselves.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:43 pm

    MEN slaves primarily, NOT women. Just wanted to make sure everyone was clear on that…

  2. It’s true vouchers — backed by tax dollars will lead to the “hook in the jaw” for private schools. Sure it will look lovely and sound noble for the first years — until all of the private schools beg for taxpayer dollars so they can build bigger “empires” — then, oh then,

    out will come the nationalized standardized tests that all students must take. I mean, if you want to continue with the taxpayer dollars and vouchers you must comply. It will be a voluntary system — like cough, cough — Goals 2000 and School-to-Work is.

    If you want the money to continue, your students must comply with the federal government’s tests! Then of course, they will finally be able to monitor all children. All of your thoughts and feelings — and see who they want to select to do what job according to their belieft system.

    Some will be ditch diggers — not so much because they aren’t intelligent, but because perhaps that student holds a belief hostile to the NWO and globabl governance.

    Then, of course, we have the matter of the homeschoolers — but the feds will begin to lure them into the system with money also.

    Abstain from federal monies — taxpayer monies in any form.

    Why do we fall for the idea that we must let Washington D.C. rob us only to send it back to us — the American taxpayer — in form of mandates.

    Abstain from vouchers private schools. Protect you students and your autonomy.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    You’d be pretty surprised at what I CAN do by just diggin’… *pats an old worn shovel*

  3. Charlotte Iserbyt does what eveyone who gets exposure on the controlled protest press, does:
    correctly identifies symptoms of national decay and misidentifies who the enemy-within is, doing it.

    In this case she correctly identifies a symptom as: a usless school system that neither teaches people to think, nor teaches them a job skill. But she misidentifies the enemy-within as: “the communists”.
    In the controlled protest press, one sees all kinds of other symptoms of national decay correctly identified – for example: inflation, national debt, fascism, and more. But the enemy-within is misidentified variously as “the elite”, “the anglosphere”, “the military industrial complex”, “the British royal family”, and so on.
    I don’t think this lady deliberately misidentified the enemy-within, she just did it out of ignorance. Nevertheless, the reason she is getting exposure in the controlled protest press is because she did it, regardless of why she did it. The enemy-within is using her as a useful idiot.

    The correct ID of the enemy-within is the Jewish International Bankers who own of the private currency the nation borrows. “The borrower is always servant to to lender”. “He who pays the piper calls the tune”.
    Those bankers run their parasitic private-currency Ponzi scheme in many nations, and their plan is to use that scheme to destroy all Gentile nations. By destroying their national governments, and their national borders. So the Ponzi-schemers can own the world, and rule over it. They are driven by self-interest and self-fulfilling prophecy of
    30:11. For I am with you, says the Lord, to save you; though I make a full end of all nations where I have scattered you, yet I will not make a full end of you;
    46:28. Do not fear, O my servant Jacob, says the Lord; for I am with you; for I will make a full end of all the nations where I have driven you; but I will not make a full end of you..
    Isaiah 60
    3. And the nations shall COME TO YOUR LIGHT, and kings to ..your rising…

    And the enemy-within uses the Libertarians as useful idiots, too. Libertarians promote no government and no borders and private currency. Especially the libertarians who follow the Jewish economist Ludwig von Mises. Even though Ludwig von Mises was himself no idiot – just his Gentile followers.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 11:55 am

    A useful idiot is one who, while promoting his own cause, is used by others to promote their own cause.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 12:39 pm

    Agree. Except I think she does aim for a false target deliberately: she was part of the Reagan crowd that used to target commies for every problem as well. I’d like to know who is paying her to do so now.

    between_the_lines Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    Good point:
    “former senior policy advisor on education to President Reagan, Charlotte Iserbyt”

  4. An excellent interview with Charlotte.

    Alex must also do a show about the black prophet of America — insect taxidermist Alfred Kinsey. Financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Kinsey manufactured the scientific pretext whereby sexual perversion was “scientifically” normalized, children accosted corrupted in their thinking in public school classrooms during so-called “sex education,” by Kinseyan clones who under the guise of the “enlightened,” were embedded into positions of influence authority.

    Kinsey is to a corruption manipulation of human sexuality the Psyop of gay rights, what Al Gore is to so-called anthropogenic global warming — a scientifically couched pretext for extortion control. Both have gained access to the younger generation through so-called public “education” vectors, “education” now little more than a euphemism for indoctrination pavlovian training, i.e., the dog barks and the sheep react, scampering to and fro.

    Both Kinsey and Gore have been recruited and financed to introduce memes, or in computer parlance WORMS into the general populace, so as to rob the people of their reason morality. They are social criminals of the highest order. Gay rights so-called global warming are birds-of-a-feather who travel together. The idea is, indoctrinate the youth, and you’ll have a customer for a lifetime. This is why McDonald’s tagets children for indoctrination, so as to emotionally blackmail their parents into carting them down to McDonald’s at age 2, where they’ll get to play while they eat “happy meals.” This is how the family meal has been adulterated undermined, by the McDonald’s meme of play during mealtime.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:49 pm

    Was he the main culprit behind Them legalizing Sodomy Beastiality for our military??

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 5:50 pm

    Dude NEEDS to be eating a hot ‘lead sandwich’ if he was.. 🙁

    Elm Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    Yes he was. Kinsey’s hero was the British born homosexual occultist Aleister Crowley, thus what we have in America is a Crowley overlay. A full account of Kinsey’s life shenanigans can be found in the work of Kinsey slueth Dr. Judith Reisman, in her book, “Kinsey: Crimes Consequences; The Red Queen The Grand Scheme.”

    Elm Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 6:27 pm

    PS – If you do a search for Kinsey: Crimes Consequences, you also find a review of Reisman’s work by Texe Mars who writes, “…Imagine an elite group of evil child molesters meeting privately in an undisclosed location. Imagine, too, these wicked sexual predators making plans to conduct grotesque, real-life experiments on innocent little boys and girls. In these experiments, the children will be systematically raped, sodomized, and physically violated. Detailed records will be kept of the children’s reactions so that pedophiles worldwide can “enjoy” seeing the results.”

    between_the_lines Reply:
    April 27th, 2012 at 6:27 pm

    [[“Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People” by Judith A. Reisman
    Customer Review

    The general public needs to be more aware of some of the most pathetic experiments ever performed on children. This is what Kinsey’s close colleague, C.A. Tripp,had to say about those experiments in 1991: “[Reisman is] talking about data that came from pedophiles, that he [Kinsey] would listen only to pedophiles who were very careful, used stopwatches, knew how to record their thing, did careful surveys….[T]hey were trained observers.” He is of course referring to pedophiles inducing “orgasms” in infants (according to Kinsey, screaming, crying, convulsing, and passing out count as orgasms).

    I would hope that most people consider that a sign of terror (and molestation).

    I’ll close with a quote from the Lancet (book review in 1991) “[T]he important allegations from the scientific viewpoint are the imperfections in the [Kinsey] sample and unethical, possibly criminal observations on children….Kinsey…has left his former co-workers some explaining to do.”]]

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