Scientists to Build $1 Billion City Where No One Will Live

Elizabeth Leafloor
Red Ice Creations
May 14, 2012

In what is being billed as the first of its kind, a billion-dollar futuristic town is being built in New Mexico, but residents need not apply.

The new 15-square mile city will be built as a testing ground for new, cutting edge technologies. The Center for Innovation, Testing and Evaluation project will “help researchers test everything from intelligent traffic systems and next-generation wireless networks to automated washing machines and self-flushing toilets. …Complete with highways, houses and commercial buildings, old and new.” Source

The unique research facility will appear like a ghost town, as no human beings will be invited to live there. Instead, the only people to be found will be research scientists. The houses, however, will be outfitted with all the amenities as if people were residing there, with appliances and plumbing.

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