Senior al-Qaeda chief ‘targeted in US drone strike’

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, noted that Al-Libi had
served as “general manager” for al-Qaeda’s main branch, overseeing
its daily operations in Pakistani’s lawless tribal regions and managing
links to affiliates around the world.

Al-Libi, a Libyan citizen believed to be in his late 40s, has been an
influential al-Qaeda commander. He became the international terror network’s
deputy leader after the August death of Atiyah abd al-Rahman, another Libyan
national who was killed in a US missile strike in North Waziristan.

Al-Libi, who has a $1 million US bounty on his head, was falsely reported dead
previously, after a December 2009 drone strike in South Waziristan.

A senior Pakistani security source in Peshawar told the Times that it “looks
like he has been killed.”

Pakistani officials said two missiles slammed into a compound in the village
of Hesokhel, east of Miranshah, the capital of North Waziristan, before

A security official in Miranshah told AFP that the bodies of those killed
could not be identified and that there were unconfirmed reports that
foreigners were among the dead, a possible reference to al-Qaeda fighters.

Source: agencies

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