Senior Lib Dem breaks Coalition ranks to tell Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt to quit

Tim Shipman

18:48 EST, 10 June 2012


18:48 EST, 10 June 2012

A senior Liberal Democrat called for Jeremy Hunt to resign yesterday.

Breaking ranks with Coalition colleagues, Lord Oakeshott said ‘no self-respecting minister could possibly carry on’.

Mr Hunt’s job as Culture Secretary is on the line following the exposure of his links to the Murdochs during their takeover bid for BSkyB.

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt

Lord Matthew Oakeshott

Under pressure: Culture secretary Jeremy Hunt has been urged to quit by senior Lib Dem Lord Oakeshott

Lord Oakeshott accused David Cameron of an error of judgment and said senior Tories had engaged in a ‘Faustian pact’ with the Murdochs.

His views, which are widely shared by senior Lib Dems, threaten to spark bad blood in government as both Mr Cameron and Nick Clegg give evidence to the Press standards inquiry this week.

Tories say they do not expect Mr Clegg to round on the Prime Minister when he gives evidence on Wednesday. But one Lib Dem source said Mr Clegg is prepared to repeat the criticism of the way both Tories and Labour decided to ‘bow and scrape’ before the Murdochs.

George Osborne and Gordon Brown go before the inquiry today. The Chancellor and Mr Cameron, who gives evidence on Thursday, will have to explain why they hired former News of the World editor Andy Coulson as a spin doctor shortly after he resigned over phone hacking.

Mr Osborne is expected to blame Mr Brown for propagating what he calls a ‘ludicrous myth’ that there was a deal between the Tories and the Murdochs.

But he will face questions over a meeting he attended with Mr Cameron, James Murdoch and former News International boss Rebekah Brooks at Davos in January 2010 and a second nine months later with Mrs Brooks at his grace and favour mansion, Dorneywood.

In an interview with Channel 4’s Dispatches, to be broadcast tonight, Lord Oakeshott described the intense lobbying by Murdoch representatives of Tories as ‘creepy’.

The peer added: ‘Faustian pacts with the devil they’re not always written down, but I mean it was very clear that a stage came where Cameron and Osborne decided they needed to have Murdoch very firmly on side.
‘I got an increasingly creepy feeling as the lobbying went on on behalf of Mr Murdoch to get the BSkyB bid through.’

Of Mr Hunt, he said: ‘Clearly he should have resigned some time ago and obviously once his evidence came out at the Leveson inquiry no self-respecting minister could possibly carry on after that. I’m afraid very serious questions do arise about Cameron’s judgment.’

The peer also criticised Mr Cameron for not firing Mr Coulson when it emerged that phone hacking had been prevalent under his editorship.
Lord Oakeshott is closely linked to party colleague Vince Cable, who is Business Secretary.

Mr Coulson’s predecessor as communications director George Eustice, now a Tory MP, added to the pressure on the Prime Minister, revealing that he warned Mr Cameron not to court newspaper executives such as Mrs Brooks.

Mr Eustice tells the documentary: ‘I think what’s true is that, after I left, a greater emphasis was placed on building relations with editors, and with newspaper proprietors.

‘And that is something that I didn’t really agree with, because I believe firstly and foremost, political parties should focus on their own agenda, and their own message.’

Mr Brown will be making his first major public appearance since savaging the Murdoch newspapers in a Commons speech last year.
He will have to explain why his wife Sarah hosted a pyjama party with Mrs Brooks at Chequers.

The former prime minister will also be quizzed on Rupert Murdoch’s claims that he threatened to ‘destroy’ the Murdoch empire after The Sun switched support to the Tories.

Labour figures are concerned that Mr Brown has resisted efforts to prepare for his testimony.

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I never imagined I would agree with a ‘Limp/Dim’ and especially with the unelected twerp ‘Lord’ Oakeshott, but in this case I’ll make an exception. Hunt should already have gone – resigned or sacked.

I have the greatest respect for the British Public. If they would apply the same moral standards shown by their politicians, UK would be another Mafia style run country.

Leaving the EU is far more important than the Hunt story. I’m concerned that the Hunt story is taking peoples’ eye off the ball.

Lord Oakeshott demonstrates to me why we need a revised second Chamber. He is an odious man who loves the limelight. I am not interested in him nor his views. He always thinks he knows best regardless of the debate on all issues. the media should stay away from him – he bores us all.

‘Faustian pacts with the devil ‘I got an increasingly creepy feeling .
Says ‘Lord’?? Oakeshott. Typical LibDem left wing loony.
By the way did he call for the resignation of Vince Cable, that other creepy crawly libdem loony, on the grounds of his total lack of support and commitment to his own government?? No, don’t be silly.

Lord Oakeshott , I applaud you for telling this thick skin boy to shift, but ain’t you walking on a thinline ? because from almost every angle, one can tell hes protected by Cameron but yet hes still in office, doesn’t that give you a hint ?

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