Several dead in Nigeria church attacks

Emmanuel Ayeni, Police Commissioner for Plateau state, of which Jos is the
capital, told journalists 41 people were being treated for injuries in a
local hospital.

“The circumstances of the two killed by mobs is still unclear,” he

Boko Haram has been blamed for hundreds of killings in bomb or gun attacks
over the past two years.

Its leader, Abubakar Shekau, frequently justifies attacks on Christians as
revenge for killings of Muslims in Nigeria’s volatile “Middle Belt”,
where the largely Christian south and mostly Muslim north meet.

It was too early to tell if the attacks were coordinated. Security sources say
Boko Haram has many different factions that sometimes seem to operate

Moments after the suicide bombing in Jos, Christian youths set up roadblocks
and had to be dispersed by police.

“Angry youths have gone wild, even attempting to prevent the security
personnel from getting to the scene of the incident. They had to force their
way out by shooting in the air to disperse them,” said Davou.

Boko Haram has linked up with other Islamist groups in the region including
al-Qaida’s north African wing and has become the biggest security threat in
Nigeria, Africa’s top oil producer.

It usually targets security forces, although Christian worshippers are
increasingly bearing the brunt.

Last Sunday, a suicide car bomber killed at least 12 people at a church in the
remote northern town of Yelwa.

Source: Reuters

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