Sir Jeremy inspected MPs as a customer might peruse a cake trolley at tea-time

Quentin Letts

16:14 EST, 24 May 2012


16:14 EST, 24 May 2012

Sir Jeremy Heywood, the new Cabinet Secretary

Sir Jeremy Heywood, the new Cabinet Secretary

Cabinet Secretary: now there treads the Grand Panjandrum of all our feathered pooh-bahs. Cabinet Secretaries run the Whitehall machine. They pull more levers than the signals superintendent at Clapham Junction.

Cabinet Secretaries are mightier than Cabinet ministers, though officially being their servants. You could argue that strong Cabinet Secretaries pack more clout than Prime Ministers with a small majority.

The new Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, sat before MPs yesterday. He inspected them as a customer in the dining carriage of the Orient Express might peruse the cake trolley at tea-time while the suburbs of Linz flash by. His expression was one of mild, benevolent interest.

Sir Jeremy is not, physically or rhetorically, an overpowering man. He does not impose himself on the airspace in the manner of a Sir John Hunt or Sir Robin Butler, to mention two of his more pukka predecessors. Yet in his own, furtive way, Sir Jeremy is clearly a piece of work. This is plainly a brain that could complete a cryptic crossword in a flash.

He just happens to have camouflaged himself to today’s surroundings. And so the voice has Northernish vowels and one of those maddening, California-girl uplifts which make every sentence a question. He says ‘sort of’ and ‘as it were’ a lot. He wants to seem consensual. He has learned not to sound didactic, even if he is an awful tartar. Sir Jeremy is evidence of Darwinianism. He is what Cabinet Secretaries of old might have been, had they worked today. The species has evolved to survive.

Thus, he jabbers away at speed rather than rolling words with care round his mouth before plopping them out like gobstoppers (as Cabinet Secretaries used to do). When in a tight spot he will produce a little spurt of jargon, like a Porsche using its turbo to overtake near a bend. ‘Horizon-scanning capability’, ‘cultural societal movement’, ‘implementation issues’ and a flourished Venn diagram: such things would have been alien to Burke Trend yet they are essential weapons in the nose-cone of a 21st century Cabinet Secretary’s battle order.

At the point he produced the Venn diagram yesterday he was, I think, talking about his responsibilities vis a vis Sir Bob Kerslake, a bearded bumbler who has been given some of the old responsibilities (the boring bits) of Cabinet Secretary. Sir Bob and Sir Jeremy trundle round Whitehall not quite like Ant and Dec.

A printed record of Sir Jeremy’s words will suggest that Sir Jeremy, flashing his eyes and flicking back a shard of his licky fringe, spoke of Sir Bob warmly, as an equal. It did not feel quite like that at the time, mind you. There was something slightly more condescending in his tone.

The MPs of the Public Administration select committee quizzed him about civil service cuts. Sir Jeremy guardedly talked about axing under-achievers. There was little enthusiasm in his voice. ‘We do need to be tougher with ourselves,’ he said. Believe it when it happens.

He said he intended to have more coffee chats with journalists. Fetch that, Lord Leveson! He dripped contempt for party conferences. When ministers made anti-civil service speeches at conference-time, ‘we understand the context of that’. Party activists? Plainly he considers them ghastly.

He was asked about Steve Hilton, the unconventional Cameroon who had terrible battles with Downing Street officials. Sir Jeremy said that Mr Hilton was a ‘very challenging person’ (translation: impossible). The only time he sounded a bit rattled was when he was denying that ministers are fed up with the civil service for being intransigent.

Sir Jeremy used the verb ‘manage’ where earlier Cabinet Secretaries might have said ‘command’. He used the expression ‘micro-manage’ in a pejorative way. Bad thing.

But he used the expression ‘managerial framework’ in an approving way. Good thing. Ministerial special advisers, he said, were a useful part of the Government system, but they might need ‘a more managerial framework’.

I think that means ‘I want to control them more’.

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