Six British soldiers missing, feared dead after attack on armoured vehicle

Anthony Bond

Last updated at 9:27 AM on 7th March 2012

Tragic: Six soldiers are believed to have been killed after an armoured vehicle was caught in an explosion in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said today

Six soldiers are believed to have been killed after an armoured vehicle was caught in an explosion in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said today.

If the soldiers are confirmed dead it will be the single biggest loss of British troops in Afghanistan during enemy action since the war began in 2001.

The group – which included five soldiers from the 3rd Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment and one from the 1st Battalion The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment – was on a mounted patrol when their Warrior Armoured Fighting Vehicle was struck.

They are now missing but are believed to have been killed.

If they are confirmed to be dead, it would take the total number of British forces personnel or MoD civilians who have died while serving in the war-torn region to more than 400 since the start of operations in October 2001.

Lt Col Gordon Mackenzie, spokesman for Task Force Helmand, told the BBC: ‘I have the tragic duty to report that six soldiers are missing, believed killed, during a security patrol.

‘The six soldiers… were on patrol in a Warrior armoured fighting vehicle when it was caught in an explosion in the task force Helmand area of operations.’

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said
the incident ‘brings home to us the dangers that are faced on a daily
basis by the men and women of our Armed Forces deployed in Afghanistan’.

The families of the soldiers have been informed.

The last British soldier to be killed in Afghanistan was Senior Aircraftman Ryan Tomlin, of 2 Squadron, Royal Air Force Regiment, who died from gunshot wounds in Helmand on February 13.

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