Six Zimbabwean men arrested for watching Arab Spring video

Mr Gwisai rejected the charges as “silly” and accused the state of “political

The six alleged ringleaders were initially charged with treason, which carries
the death penalty, but the charges were later downgraded.

In a statement released after the verdict, the MDC said it was “another
assault on democracy and human rights”.

“The convictions are a clear sign that Zanu PF is desperate and is using
the state in denying the people of Zimbabwe their democratically and
constitutional rights of freedom of movement and gathering,” he said.

“All the six are innocent victims of a barbaric and senseless Zanu PF
dictatorship. We find it strange and barbaric that they are convicted for
watching video material that is already in the public domain and can be
accessed by anyone from anywhere in the world.” Sentencing is expected
tomorrow, and Zimbabweans in Johannesburg will picket the Zimbabwean

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