Son of Sinaloa drug cartel’s Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman captured

The US considers him the leading drug trafficker in the world and Forbes
magazine estimates his wealth at $1 billion (£630 million).

The arrest of one of his seven children comes just over a week before Mexico
votes for a new leader.

President Felipe Calderon is constitutionally barred from seeking a further
term, and his ruling National Action Party has lost support due to the drug
violence ravaging the country.

There has been mounting speculation that the government would try to find
Guzman, who has a $7 million bounty on his head, before the election on July

In February police just missed him at a million dollar beach side mansion
where he had been staying in Los Cabos, which this week hosted the G20
summit Drug violence in Mexico has exploded over the last decade, and there
have been more than 55,000 drug-related killings since December 2006.

Guzman escaped from a maximum security jail in 2001 after being pushed out in
a laundry cart. He has been on the run ever since and is believed to be
moving between locations in Mexico, Guatemala and Argentina.

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