South Carolina primary: Mitt Romney to release tax returns on Tuesday

Romney had said he would release them in April and also paved the way for the
disclosure by saying he paid a tax rate of around 15 per cent, below many
American wage earners, but in line with wealthy individuals who earn income
from investments.

Romney said his returns will be posted on his website.

Gingrich says his hardline conservative views and sharp debate skills will be
needed by Republicans to take back the White House.

The former House speaker is dismissing rival Romney as a moderate whose record
on health care and other issues are too close to President Barack Obama’s to
invigorate Republican voters.

Coming off a big victory in Saturday’s South Carolina primary, Gingrich says
he can go “toe to toe with President Obama on big things.”

Gingrich says his views on lower taxes, less government regulation and foreign
policy put him in stark contrast to Obama and that the dynamics of a
Gingrich-Obama fight are much more alluring to voters.

Gingrich tells CNN’s “State of the Union” that he represents “the
largest amount of change of any candidate.”

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