Spanish-language TV anchor arrested in South Fla.

DORAL, Fla. (AP) — Spanish-language television anchor and producer Frank Cairo faces grand theft charges after police in South Florida say he stole a patio chairs and carpet from a neighbor.

Doral Police Chief Rick Gómez told The Miami Herald ( ) that 48-year-old Cairo “admitted” to the theft. But he says he took the items because he thought the apartment had been abandoned.

Police say apartment owner Roberto Xacur lives in Mexico.

Surveillance video shows Cairo — whose real name is Ivan Valdes — and 47-year-old Jorge Acuña Arias during the April 29 theft. Police say Xacur looked at the video after noticing the items were missing. He showed it to neighbors, who identified the men as residents of an upstairs apartment.

Cairo’s website says he most recently worked at TV Azteca.

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