Starbucks opens its first ski-through store

Just be sure that lid is on there really tight before you head back down the slopes

It’s hard rolling in to work in the morning without that first cup of coffee in your hand. If your need for coffee extends to your vacation time too, there’s good news: Just because you’re skiing doesn’t mean you have to do without. Squaw Valley, a ski resort near Lake Tahoe in California, just announced the opening of the first ever Starbucks Coffee store to offer ski-through service.

The Starbucks is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., so you can get a double shot espresso to get you ready for a day at the slopes, and a cup of hot chocolate to close out the day. And since you don’t need to take of your skis or snowboard, you can visit the store as many times as required to optimize your caffeine level.

We love our coffee as much as the next person, especially on a cold day. Still, we’re not sure that we’re ready to mix high-speed downhill skiing with scalding hot coffee. We have enough trouble standing upright on skis as it is.

[Image credit: Squaw Valley PR]


This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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