Stressed to hell: 83 percent of young French pessimistic about the future

Globalization and the high-tech are meant to make us happy and satisfied.

But the exact opposite is happening, shows a new French study.

At the French National Centre for Scientific Research, or the CNRS, these researchers have come to a conclusion, we live in extremely uncertain times and that is what increases fear and worry.

Experts say, stress is one of the key elements of the rising sense of insecurity around the world. This in turn leads to a vicious circle of more dependence on cutting edge technology which in turn disrupts the rhythm of life in the long run.

The study shows, 83 percent of the young French are pessimistic about the future of their country.

Although they enjoy the fruits of globalization, less than 50 percent of them believe it does them any real good.

In fact, work related suicide rates in France are among the highest in the world.

The phone operator France Telecom made headlines for months after a series of suicides among its staff.

Many French from the older generations are complaining about the loss of social ties they had seen and experienced during their youth.

Today’s younger generations say they are more interested in modern technology than social activity.

Yet they are the first to complain about solitude and leading lonely lives. Over 10 percent of the French youth lives secluded lonely lives.

Experts believe that the only way out is to pull the breaks on the rat race to consumerism and to reduce the over dependence on cutting edge technology.

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