Suicidal Attempts Continue in Israel

As the Zionist regime intensifies its cruelty and injustice even against its own so-called citizens, more and more Israelis embark on suicide attempts to escape destitute.

A man threatened to set himself on fire at Beersheba City Hall on Sunday. The man was stopped by a security guard and transferred to police custody for questioning.

According to Israel Radio, the man was threatening to set himself ablaze because of financial and housing problems.

Overnight Friday a man in his 30s set himself on fire at a psychiatric hospital near Netanya.

Magen David Adom paramedics provided first aid treatment and transferred the man in critical condition from the Lev-Hasharon Mental Health Center in Pardesia to Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer. Hospital officials at Sheba stated that he was suffering from second and third degree burns on 60 percent of his body.

Three people have successfully set themselves on fire in Israel this month. The first was Moshe Silman, a disabled veteran from Haifa, who doused his body with flammable liquid and set it aflame during a protest for social justice in Tel Aviv on July 14.

Silman wrote and passed out a letter at the protest, setting out his reasons for taking the extreme action. He blamed various government agencies for failing to provide him with financial aid and housing following his disability. Silman died from his injuries on July 20.

There have been several more unsuccessful attempts of self-immolation throughout Israel over the past several weeks.

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