Swedish minister in race row after cutting cake designed like naked, black, African woman

  • Bizarre stunt to highlight female genital mutilation backfires horribly

Chris Parsons

21:41 EST, 17 April 2012


03:06 EST, 18 April 2012

Sweden’s culture minister today faced furious calls to resign after she was pictured cutting a ‘racist’ black cake designed like a native African woman.

Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth had appeared at the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm when she was invited to cut the cake which was designed like a naked African woman.

The Swedish minister cut pieces from the black cake, which had blood-red sponge and was designed to highlight the issue of female genital mutilation.

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Tasteless: Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth appeared at the art event in Stockholm and cut pieces from the controversial black cake

Tasteless: Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth appeared at the art event in Stockholm and cut pieces from the controversial black cake

Despite the intentions of the bizarre cake, however, critics described it as a ‘racist spectacle’, and demanded Ms Liljeroth resigned for participating in the ‘tasteless’ event.

The Association for African Swedes said the cake was a crude racist caricature which ‘makes a mockery of racism’.

Kitimbwa Sabuni, a spokesperson for the group, told Swedish news agency TT: ‘To say that you did this for a good cause only makes the mockery of people who are victims of racism and of circumcision worse.’

Mr Sabuni told a Swedish newspaper Ms Liljeroth’s participation in a dubious event with cannibalistic overtones showed her ‘incompetence and lack of judgment’.

Makode Linde, the artist who came up with the cake, had placed his own head at the top of the cake and said it had been misunderstood.

Making a point: The cake was designed by an African artist and was meant to highlight the issue of female genital mutilation

Making a point: The cake was designed by an African artist and was meant to highlight the issue of female genital mutilation

The black cake, part of an exhibition on World Art Day, was intended as part of the artist’s project illustrating degrading stereotypes of black people through history.

Liljeroth, whose photograph cutting a piece of the cake was widely shown in Swedish media, said she understood why people would be offended by the incident.

She said in a statement: ‘I was invited to speak at World Art Day about the freedom of art and its right to provoke.

‘And then they wanted me to cut into the cake. I don’t review art, but I can very well understand that this whole situation was misunderstood.’

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What an unusual sense of humour these Swedes have. I suppose it comes from all those winter months in complete darkness.

“thats bloody great this one actually made me laugh and in my eyes this is not racist, just pure entertainment.
– cam69, essex, 18/4/2012 10:21”—————- What exactly is the entertaining part? What do you imagine a real genital mutilation victim would feel in that room? Should we remember American lynchings by cutting into a cake formed as a black man with a noose around his neck?

i think its disguting to have a cake of a woman no matter what colour and to have a man screaming everytime someone cut a slice is revolting and totally taking the michael.
FGM is not something to be laughed at or made a specticle of in this light – show some pics of what some poor women and CHILDREN go through and i’m sure noobody would be laughing!

Worse than racist! Humiliating the black race to the max!!!

for gods sake, hello……the cake was designed by a black person!!!!!!!! and like others have said, if it were to be a ‘white’ cake designed by a white person, would the black community be saying it was racist? i think not. get a grip.

Whoever is responsible for this brain fart, should be fired. In very poor taste, and to have the audience laughing whilst she cuts this cake hardly highlights the terible practice of female genital mutilation… Talk about missing the point!!? Who was the cake desingner DM?? Who?

I think it’s pretty tasteless and I do know that race-relations in Sweden are atrocious (I spent many years there so I should know!) BUT I don’t think the minister is at fault, more the artist. Just cause you’re an artist doesn’t mean you know about ‘stuff’ and just cause it’s controversial (like this cake) doesn’t make it a smart way to do things.

Absolutely hilarious. All the self-righteous loonies on here bleating on about “racism” just hilarious, lol.

Wow everything these days is classed as racist. There is a big issue in Africa, especially the Muslim bits of Africa with female genital mutilation. Journalists, activists, politicians, artists are doing their best to bring this issue to light and try and make it illegal. How can this be classed as racist when an important issue affecting helpless women in Africa is brought to light? the cake was actually designed and done by an African!

Even if it is racist, so what!

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