Sydney gallery to display Iranian art

The group exhibition, entitled “Contemporary Iranian Art”, will kick off on July 5, showcasing the works of 12 Iranian artists, together with the artworks of an artist from Australia.

The exhibition will display the works of Samira Hodaei, Nazgol Ansarinia, Behnam Kamrani, Ali Adjalli, Shirin Aliabadi, Babak Golkar, Shahrzad Changalvaee, Jinoos Taghizadeh, Behrang Samadzadegan, Barbad Golshiri, Abbas Kowsari, Haleh Anvari, and Australian artist, Ex de Medici.

The “Contemporary Iranian Art” will run as an affiliated exhibition of the 18th edition of the Biennale of Sydney until August 4.

The Biennale of Sydney has provided an international platform for displaying innovative contemporary art since its inception in 1973. The artworks of over 1500 artists from 83 countries have so far been displayed at the Biennale of Sydney.

The Sydney Biennale was the first established biennale in the Asia-Pacific region, and is considered as one of the longest running exhibitions of its kind.

Doug Hall, from the New Albion Gallery, praised the artworks of the Iranian artists, saying the artworks “speak to us with a visual language which is universal. The subject matter might be specific but we see it through the lens of individualism. There’s a poetic transcendence in perpetual play, often quietly witty, but never gratuitously flippant.”


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