Syria clears more areas of rebels

The military has sent reinforcements to the outskirts of the flashpoint northwestern city of Aleppo to maintain order and security.

Meanwhile, gunmen in Syrian Army uniforms killed civilians in the Salahuddin neighborhood in the city in an attempt to accuse the Army of masterminding the bloodshed.

Syrian security forces have also inflicted heavy losses on armed terrorists in Damascus as well as in the northwestern city of Idlib and the southwestern city of Dara’a.

Syrian forces have cleared the al-Diyabiah area in the capital of the presence of rebels.

On Thursday, there were also reports of sporadic fighting between Syrian forces and armed groups in and around the capital, with gunmen attacking police stations and Army checkpoints around the city.

Clashes erupted in several areas in the capital, including the Qudsaya and al-Hameh districts as well as the city’s suburb of Daria.

Syria has been the scene of violence by armed groups since March 2011. The violence has claimed the lives of hundreds of people, including many security forces.

Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, asserting that it is being orchestrated from abroad. The West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing the protesters.


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