Syria Houla massacre: Russia told to intervene before it is too late

“We need to establish whether it was the Syrian authorities,” Igor Pankin said
at the United Nations. “There are substantial grounds to believe that the
majority of those who were killed were either slashed, cut by knives, or
executed at point blank distance.”

Mr Annan, the joint UN-Arab League envoy, is due to arrive in Damascus on
Monday morning for talks over the beleaguered Six-Point Plan to end the
violence and begin a political process in Syria.

Mr Hague, who said he was “sickened” by the images from the massacre
at Houla, has also called an emergency session of the UN Security Council
and summoned Syria’s most senior diplomat to the Foreign Office for an
official dressing down. The council was due to meet on the issue last night.

The UK mission to Moscow came amid deepening international outrage over the
massacre which the head of the UN observer mission in Syria, Maj-Gen Robert
Mood, also warned would fan the flames of instability and “may lead the
country to civil war”.

As violence continued in Syria, the Houla massacre has already stretched the
credibility of the UN mission in Syria, with the Free Syrian Army issuing a
statement saying that the deal was “going to hell” unless there
was concerted international intervention.

Before departing for Moscow, Mr Hague held talks with Kofi Annan, Mr Hague
said there was a “good case” for increasing the size of the
300-strong UN observer mission, but stressed that time was now running out
for the Six Point Plan, announced in April.

“I’ve discussed with him [Mr Annan] the urgency of getting a political
process going in Syria which is his objective before time runs out,” he
added, “Time will run out before too long on that.” As the
groundswell of Western condemnation grew – Russia remained silent – Syria “categorically”
denied responsibility for the killings at Houla blaming “terrorists”
for the incident.

“Women, children and old men were shot dead. This is not the hallmark of
the heroic Syrian army,” a Syrian foreign ministry spokesman said in
Damascus, who claimed that Syria was being subjected to a “tsunami of

A British diplomatic source dismissed the denials, describing them as a
transparent and “concerning” attempt to “seek impunity and
lay the blame on others”.

Mr Hague said that it was still too early to discuss military or other
interventions in Syria, and that for now all efforts were being focused on
trying to get the Annan plan to stick – although acknowledging that failure
would come with consequences.

“If we come to the point where the Annan plan has clearly failed,
Britain will be arguing for a stronger response from the world, from the
United Nations Security Council, increasing our support to the opposition,
imposing further sanctions and measures on the Syrian regime,” he said.

In Washington, the Obama administration condemned the Houla massacre as the
work of the Assad regime, pledging that the “rule by murder” must
come to an end, without specifying measures.

The White House is reported to be focusing on pressuring the newly re-election
Russian president Vladimir Putin to back a deal that would ease out the
Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, in a fix similar to that brokered in

Under the deal, which White House officials said was under discussion, Mr
Assad would leave office as the first step in a developing a political
process, as happened with the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

However both independent analysts and UK foreign office sources have expressed
skepticism over whether such a deal can be replicated in Syria, a security
state where Mr Assad’s minority Alawite sect rules over a Sunni majority.

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