Syria: Mrs Assad of Acton returns to public eye

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 12:14 AM on 27th February 2012

The British-born wife of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has made a rare public appearance during a referendum in the  war-torn country.

Looking glamorous in a dark grey coat and dress, Asma al-Assad shook hands and joked with supporters as she accompanied her husband into a voting booth.

Despite the continuing bloodshed in Syria, the government yesterday held a vote on constitutional reforms, which al-Assad claims will lead to multi-party parliamentary elections.

Tyrant's wife: Asma al-Assad and her husband at ballot box

Tyrant’s wife: Asma al-Assad and her husband at ballot box

Mrs al-Assad, 36, a former  investment banker who grew  up in Acton, West London, has  virtually disappeared from the public eye since the unrest broke out last March.

Her previous appearance was in December, when she and her two children stood alongside al-Assad at a pro-regime rally.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said Syrians in the military who still support President Bashar Assad should turn against him.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a press conference calling for the military to turn their backs on President Assad

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a press conference calling for the military to turn their backs on President Assad

Speaking at a news conference in Morocco yesterday she added: ‘The longer you support the regime’s campaign of violence against your brothers and sisters, the more it will stain your honor.

‘If you refuse, however, to prop up the regime or take part in attacks on your fellow citizens, your countrymen and women will hail you as heroes.’

The statement came as 45
Syrian civilians and soldiers were killed yesterday in fighting over Syria’s
future that coincided with the vote on a new constitution that could keep
President Bashar al-Assad in power until 2028.  

The Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights said a military bombardment of opposition districts in Homs, now
in its fourth week, had killed nine civilians, while rebel fighters had
killed four soldiers in clashes in the city.      


The British-based Observatory said
eight civilians and 10 members of the security forces were killed in
violence elsewhere in Syria, the scene of what has become an
increasingly militarised revolt against four decades of Assad family

So far around 7,500 have died in her husband’s brutal crackdown.      

Waleed Fares, an activist in the
Khalidiyah district of Homs, said: ‘What should we be voting for,
whether to die by bombardment or by bullets?

Battleground: An image grab taken from a video uploaded on YouTube shows smoke billowing from the Baba Amr neighbourhood in the flashpoint city of Homs

Battleground: An image grab taken from a video uploaded on YouTube shows smoke billowing from the Baba Amr neighbourhood in the flashpoint city of Homs

‘This is the only choice we have. We have been trapped in our houses for 23 days. We cannot go out, except into some alleys.

‘Markets, schools and government
buildings are closed, and there is very little movement on the streets
because of snipers.’        

Mr Fares also said the battered district of Babo Amro has had no food or water for three days.

Warzone: Damaged buildings in the Baba Amr neighbourhood - 19 people were killed yesterday in the city of Homs

Warzone: Damaged buildings in the Baba Amr neighbourhood – 19 people were killed yesterday in the city of Homs

‘Homs in general has no electricity for 18 hours a day,’ he added.

With most foreign reporters barred from Syria or heavily restricted, witness reports are hard to verify.             

The outside world has been powerless
to restrain Assad’s drive to crush the 11-month-old revolt, which has
the potential to slide into a sectarian conflict between Syria’s Sunni
Muslim majority and the president’s minority Alawite sect.     

Unwilling to intervene militarily and
unable to get the U.N. Security Council to act following Russian and
Chinese opposition, Western powers have imposed their own sanctions on
Syria and backed an Arab League call for Assad to step down.    

Time for action: Syrian President Bashar Assad has promised to push for a multi-party parliamentary election within three months

Time for action: Syrian President Bashar Assad has promised to push for a multi-party parliamentary election within three months

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said the referendum was ‘nothing but a farce.’            

‘Sham votes cannot contribute to a
solution of the crisis. Assad needs to put an end to the violence and
clear the way for a political transition,’ he said in a

In Hama, another city with a bloody
record of resistance to Baathist rule, one activist said nobody was
taking part in the referendum.

‘We will not vote on a constitution drafted by our killer,’ he said by satellite telephone, asking not to be named.            

This is Syria’s third referendum since Assad inherited power from his late father.

The first installed him as president in 2000 with an official 97.29 percent ‘Yes’ vote.

The second renewed his term seven years later with 97.62 percent in favour. 

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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The majority of the people in Syria support Assad, why are the media consistantly bombarding us with this kak. At least Assad gives his population a referendum, we could do with one of those ourselves Mr Cameron.

Is it just me that thinks Hillary Clinton is looking rather strange nowadays.

This Clinton woman trying to cause more unrest while in her own country thousands upon thousands live in poverty, without food, decent shelter or medical care because the so called American dream refuses to care for the poor.
With the numbers in poverty growing in American and the enlightenment movement gaining momentum in the US I’d be worried about you own doorstep love.
But you are aware of this hence why you have militerized your police and face all protests with body armour, tear gas and batons. You may not kill them but you sure do Surpress them. The united states of Hypocrisy.

She must feel really at home, voting in a Rigged, Gerrymandered Election! Just like Blighty!

She is a war criminal, she can join her husband on the gallows,

and they don’t print mine anymore. It seems that the DM isn’t interested in true public opinion, and it’s just a sham.

Just agree with Europe to air-drop into Syria 3,000 RPG’s.
That will take care of the tanks and the heavy artilary and give the people a chance to protect themselves from their ‘leadership’.
Simple really.

I make a desperate plea to the US army to rise up against your puppet government and the banker occupation. Please wake up Americans, British and Europeans. Our governments are puppets of the big banking families, they are not on our side, they are not our friends and they are not working to serve the people. They serve their banker rulers to the bankers benefit.

Spring clean coming soon watch out ,

Dm works for the new world order , don’t you DM.

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