Syria: new footage offers glimpse of life in besieged Homs

“We are just here to respond and defend the local residents from Assad’s
army snipers,” the rebel explained.

In the Babr Amr district, the cameraman was able to witness how a crowded
medical clinic struggled to cope with the dead and wounded. Activists say
the snipers prevent safe access to the area, leading to a shortage of food
and medical supplies.

Funerals are also seen to have become a routine occurrence in the embattled
city as the dead are wrapped in white sheets and piled on a pickup truck
outside the makeshift field hospital.

However, despite the risk of attack, funeral processions still take place.

The bombardment of Homs, the centre of resistance to Assad’s regime over the
last 11 months, has intensified since Russia and China vetoed a Western and
Arab-backed resolution at the United Nations that called on the Syrian
leader to stand down.

His regime says “terrorists” acting out a foreign conspiracy to
destabilise the country are behind the uprising, not people seeking to
transform the authoritarian regime.

However, Syria has blocked access to trouble spots and prevented independent
reporting, making it nearly impossible to verify accounts from either side.

Footage from APTN

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