Syria: Security forces take total control of Baba Amr district of Homs

The heavy fighting has also prevented aid workers from reaching the wounded
and sick in parts of Homs, according to he International Committee of the
Red Cross.

It described the humanitarian situation in the restive city as “very
worrying” adding that it had only been able to enter the Baba Amr
district twice in seven days.

But the aid agency said it had now received a “green light” from
Syrian authorities to enter Baba Amr on Friday to bring in vital emergency
supplies and carry out evacuations.

The organisation added it had not been granted explicit approval from
opposition groups despite the Free Syrian Army previously appealing for
humanitarian assistance in the district.

As snow fell across Homs today, more footage shared on social media websites
showed desperate residents collecting
it to drink
after water supplies had been cut off.

Another video has also emerged from the Hamedia neighbourhood of Homs, which
purports to show a street as bursts of gunfire are heard.

Thirteen miles north in the besieged town of Rastan, footage claimed to show
Syrian troops as they continued their bombardment with several people killed
by shelling, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Earlier on Thursday the Syrian National Council urged the international
communuity, “Muslim and Arab states to intervene immediately to prevent
a potential massacre in the coming hours against tens of thousands of
children, women and elderly people.”

In London, Foreign Secretary, William Hague told Parliament he was now
withdrawing all diplomatic staff from Damascus and suspending the services
of the British Embassy in the Syrian capital.

Video footage courtesy of Reuters

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