Syria Spin Machine: UK mainstream lies exposed

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

While Syria’s still locked in bloody confrontation on the ground, another war is also being waged – the media one. And as RT has discovered, even the world’s most respected media outlets who have huge influence in shaping public opinion, resort to distorting facts.

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3 Responses to “Syria Spin Machine: UK mainstream lies exposed”

  1. The latest reports indicate that British Muslims have traveled to Syria from Birmingham and Greater London to take part in the jihad against the Assad regime. A recently released British journalist who had been kidnapped in Syria heard Birmingham and South London accents among his captors.

  2. Is alex a secret communist?

    He is very good at showing RT propaganda from the state run TV News channel

  3. Thousands of sex addicts are joining the rebel army in Syria, it is a once in a life time chance to make love to a whole village.

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