Syria: Syrian terrorists use weapons from Switzerland – Switzerland: Terrorists in Syria use Swiss weapons

Investigations by the Swiss newspaper “SonntagsZeitung“, there is evidence on the basis of photographs from the war zone in Syria, that the Syrian terrorists use weapons from Switzerland.

The records, photographs, were made on Thursday in the Syrian village of Marea (Aleppo) and show hand grenades of the type shown OHG92 and SM 6-03-1, which were produced by the government-owned arms manufacturer Ruag.

The weapons are in the hands of the terrorists of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA). This is explained by from each other independent sources. These weapons could have been smuggled into the country via Turkey.

Last, Qatar had delivered weapons from Swiss production to the Libyan rebels.

“It is fatal, that we export weapons into the powder keg in the Middle East,” commented the Green member of the (SN: Swiss) National Council and Foreign Affairs politician Geri Müller the case towards the “SonntagsZeitung”.

He wants to address this issue at the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Commission. Even the President of the Commission, SVP National Council member Andreas Aebi, gets active: “That will be a topic at the Commission meeting on Monday.”

In addition, the Defence Committees DefC (SIK / CPS) of the Swiss National Council gets also active: “It’s a disaster that Swiss weapons are used in Syria,” said SIK-President Chantal Galladé.

Specific Responsibilities of the Swiss Defence Committees DefC (Source):

Army (incl. military buildings)
Internal security and security alliances
Fight against terrorism, coordination of policing, police services
Civil protection
Civilian service
Security and peace policy
Military and civilian peace support in security policy field
Armament policy
Disarmament and non-proliferation
National Economic Supply
Strategic leadership training, federal crisis management

So far, only the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) remained silent.

It is really not surprising. The Swiss Foreign Ministry, which is led by Burkhalter, is occupied by NATO. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs mimics all criminal sanctions, which are decided by the U.S. and EU against Iran, supports Georgia in its recapture policy (SN: there are rumors that the U.S. administration sends weapons to Syrian terrorists via middlemen in Georgia), and does not recognize the independent republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

The Swiss Government has long been secretly involved at the war policy of NATO and the National Councils know that. See the petition below. Only the unsuspecting population still believes in the neutrality of Switzerland. The pure piss-take!

Petition by Dominique Baettig against the delivery of weapons to Qatar



Respect intégral de la neutralité

La découverte d’une caisse de munition estampillée « Ruag Ammotec », propriété de la Confédération, et découverte entre les mains des « rebelles libyens » après avoir été réexportée par le Qatar est un scandale. L’interdiction d’exportation suite à la révélation de cette affaire ayant été levée récemment constitue la poursuite, dans la bonne conscience, de ce scandale. Le Qatar est la cheville ouvrière, financière, médiatique et militaire de la grande coalition incluant certains membres de l’Otan ( France, Grande-Bretagne, USA, Turquie et d’autres)et qui mène des opérations de guerre et de soulèvement armés, d’organisation de démontage d’Etats légitimes dans le sillage du « printemps arabe » islamiste et de la promotion du modèle d’économie de marché libre-échangiste compatible avec ces nouvelles forces montantes au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient. La notion du droit de la neutralité invoquée par le Conseil Fédéral ( pas d’obligation de neutralité lorsque l’usage de la force est autorisé par le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU) est hypocrite et représente un abandon de la notion de neutralité qui garantit les valeurs éthiques, la souveraineté et la sécurité de la Suisse. Le Qatar n’avait pas le droit de réexporter du matériel qui a fini dans les mains de rebelles suspects d’avoir commis massacres de civils, tortures, crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité. Compte tenu du rôle que le Qatar a joué, et continuera à jouer dans la répression à Bahreïn (avec l’Arabie saoudite !) et peut-être demain dans une guerre civile en Syrie ou des frappes contre l’Iran, le SECO doit immédiatement rétablir l’interdiction de matériel militaire vers le Qatar décrétée en juillet 2011. Afin que la neutralité de la Suisse et l’éthique de sa position morale ne soit ni bafouée ni ridiculisée, ni hypocritement contournée.

Dominique Baettig Rue des Voignous 15 2800 Delémont

Former National Councillor Dominque Baettig has already filed a petition on the 29.12.2011 against the supply of arms to Qatar, as was known, that Swiss weapons have been shipped from Qatar to the rebels in Libya:

You can find the correspondence and the responses of the Swiss National Council Commission, which have arrived recently, at the source, link below.

They rejected his petition and they did not take the concerns of Dominique Baettig serious. Now the weapons have appeared in Syria and the National Councils do all hypocritically, as if it would be something new for them – but it isn`t.

127 Swiss National Councilors voted against the petition and only 58 for it. What goes on here is an incredible scandal!


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