Syrian Girl: Will Attack On Syria Lead to World War III?

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Monday, June 11, 2012

NATO has forced Syria to bomb itself.

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15 Responses to “Syrian Girl: Will Attack On Syria Lead to World War III?”

  1. Every country that supported the Russian during the cold war are falling one by one.

    Truth_Seeker Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 3:25 am

    And every enemy of Israel…

  2. hillary: “I think Syrian rebels will be well funded and well armed”
    2 weeks later they imported 1000 mercenaries from the Libya they just trashed.

    they keep arming these fake rebels with nastier and nastier crap,
    then demonize Syrian government for daring try to defend itself,
    same as they did to Libya.

    they’re also using drones against Pakistan, repeatedly, and Pakistan DOES have nukes.
    I wouldnt blame em if they retaliated with nuclear “drones”, returning the “favor”..
    to the District of Criminals and nazi Israel.

    they claim their BS is “humanitarian” and for “peace”,
    WHAT PEACE? the peace of the graveyard?!!

    hell no Libya wasnt perfect, neither is Syria, but these propaganda justifications are BS.
    the District of Criminals says its for FREEDOM, as they build a prison around our ears?!
    arent they just fuggen wonderful.

    idk if its really gonna start WW3, Libya sure didnt.
    China and Russia are controlled by the same bankster SOB’s as the rest of the world.
    about every NATO member (Nazi Allied Terrorist Organization!) is bankrupted,
    economically destroyed by these financial terrorists.
    about every country who rejects them, is destroyed militarily first.
    they love it, profitting from the destruction, spilling depleted uranium everywhere,
    isnt WAR CRIMES, because they say so?!!

  3. I thought syian girl was total bs did i miss something ?

    ww3 the ultimate pys-op perfect excuse to declare martial law round people into prison camps …

  4. Ah yes, I feel refreshed this morning, I had a hot bowl of Flaky Paint Chips, now, what are we talking about ? Oh, I see, the third world country regime changey thing, so the New World Order can progress with their Agenda 21 manipulations; ah yes, what a wonderful progressive and prospective depopulation program too ! Well, right now, they have a small interruption going on, Spain and Ireland wants more money while China and Russia wants to block any initiatives against their growth of capitalism. It looks like a race ? I guess we’ll all jump in for a party !

  5. So the rebels will launch chemical weapons on the Syrian people and blame it on the Syrian government ha? Let me see, where have I heard something similar in the past? Hmmm. Oh! I remember, 1991. The Kuwait presidents daughter claimed (as she cried in front of Congress) that Saddam Hussains soldiers removed infant babies from hospital incubaters and threw them on the cold hard floor. Remember that lie? It was the catalist for the first Iraq war. Now we have the threat of using chemical weapons…another fabrication to justify a war.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 4:49 am

    She is bullshit.

    Ho of Babylon says:
    May 22, 2012 at 2:35 pm
    Mimi Al-Laham’s script is that NATO is opposed to Assad because he has failed to be enticed away from Iran. She describes Israel as basically a non-actor regarding Syria, she mentions that the insurgents in Syria were trained in Turkey. She names the Hamas faction of the Palestinians as inimical to Syria.

    But NATO/ the US/ its subsidiaries are not going to go to war with Iran. The whole Iran tempest is cover for other activity in the region: the planned expansion of Israel and the consolidation of the vast oil and gas resources found in the Mediterranean into our set of the oligarchs’ hands (vs those of Turkey, Russia, China). So we are not perturbed with Assad because of his relations with Iran. Israel is of course anything but a non-actor waiting to see the results of others’ actions. There’s no evidence that the insurgents were trained in Turkey, rather there is evidence they are the same bunch we had in Libya. Hamas does not appear to be involved at all.

    Jmo, but Al-Laham is just more controlled opposition.

    SyrianGirlPartisan says:
    May 26, 2012 at 5:03 am
    perhaps you missed my first interview where i said the Syria-Iran-hizbullah alliance is being attacked because it’s a threat to Israel.
    I suggest you watch it before making wild accusations.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 27th, 2012 at 6:56 am
    Except that “the Syria-Iran-hizbullah alliance” is not being attacked because it’s a threat to Israel. It’s being attacked because Iran can be portrayed as a viable threat to Israel whereas neither the Assad government or Hizbullah can: only the inclusion of Iran can garner support for an Israeli invasion of Syria. I’ve shown reasons why Iran is not actually the subject of interest to Israel that further undermines your argument.
    I’ve watched a dozen of Al-Laham’s videos. They all minimize the activeness of the role of Israel in Syria’s destabilization, and talk crap about Palestine and Turkey. They use as a startpoint the one point that everyone can agree on: that the “Al Qaeda” forces directed by NATO need to go, but all the rest is camouflage for Israel. I’m not making wild accusations, Al-Laham is a propagandist. And I’d be willing to bet NATO is cutting her check.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 4:51 am

    oops sorry burntumbra, attached to wrong post, meant for master

  6. Are you kidding me? This chic is way too hot for this kind of shit. She has to be an actress, if not…I’ll marry her to get her hot ass over here so she doesn’t have to endure the coming fire storm. Where can i get a hold of her, lol.

    dncholas Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 5:17 am

    They need a Syrian bride things going. I’ll ship her over to safety.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 5:27 am

    She’s not in Syria, you 2 perverts, she’s in freaking Dubai. Maybe if you had a few million you could buy her ass from whoever owns it at present. It’s definitely for sale.

    dncholas Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 5:42 am

    Oh now I’m a pervert?

  7. She was obviously reading from a script but what she says is true. There is enough INDEPENDENT journalism around the world to back up her story(Not the US Propaganda Network of the AP and Reuters).

  8. Iran has already stated they will take action if Syria is invaded as Libya was. May be sabre rattling but this is just what the monsters want, giving them free reign to go after Iran itself without having to state a reason. Though this is tantamount to a man beating up a child and then saying he was “scared”, the sleeping sheeple will buy it hook line and sinker and readily show how “American” they are by getting behind yet another unsupportable nation-on-nation hate crime.

    It sucks, but we’re the Nazis this go around.

  9. The neocons won’t stop, war is all they live for. This entire war thingy is just so primal, it’s sickening. Remember the scene from 2001 A Space Odyssey that depicted early man (apes) learning that they could use tree limbs and rocks as weapons? That is what war reminds me of. They want war in the region and will get what they want. All US citizens should be asking themselves if they like being viewed as a bunch of morons and warmongers. I don’t.

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