Syrian opposition to form government in exile

“This phase calls for co-operation from all sides,” he said.

Mr Maleh, 81, is a Syrian lawyer and human rights activist who has spent
several years in prison in his homeland.

His announcement comes as humanitarian conditions grow worse in the besieged
city of Aleppo with activists reporting dwindling stocks of food and cooking
gas and intermittent electricity supplies.

Government helicopters pounded rebel neighbourhoods across Syria’s largest
city and main commercial hub. Activists said the random shelling has forced
many civilians to flee to other neighbourhoods or even escape the city
altogether. The U.N. said late Sunday that about 200,000 had fled the city
of about 3 million.

“The humanitarian situation here is very bad,” Mohammed Saeed, an
activist living in the city, told The Associated Press by Skype. “There
is not enough food and people are trying to leave. We really need support
from the outside. There is random shelling against civilians,” he
added. “The city has pretty much run out of cooking gas, so people are
cooking on open flames or with electricity, which cuts out a lot.”

He said shells were falling on the southwestern neighbourhoods of Salaheddine
and Seif al-Dawla, rebel strongholds since the rebel Free Syrian Army began
its assault on Aleppo 11 days ago.

The United Nations has expressed concern over the use of heavy weapons,
especially in Aleppo, while the Syria’s neighbours in the Arab League have
issued even stronger denunciations.

Source: agencies

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