Posts Tagged ‘bellow’

TSA Agent Flips Coin Every Morning To See If He’s Going To Be Pleasant Or Bellow At You Like Drill Sergeant

DENVER, CO — Every morning, local TSA Officer Steve Harper gets out of bed, takes a shower, eats two hard-boiled eggs, gets dressed, and then flips his lucky coin to find out if he’s going to be a pleasant, easygoing guy who is gracious to flustered, stressed-out travelers, or if he’s going to bark at […]

TSA Agent Flips Coin Every Morning To See If He’s Going To Be Pleasant Or Bellow At You Like Drill Sergeant

DENVER, CO — Every morning, local TSA Officer Steve Harper gets out of bed, takes a shower, eats two hard-boiled eggs, gets dressed, and then flips his lucky coin to find out if he’s going to be a pleasant, easygoing guy who is gracious to flustered, stressed-out travelers, or if he’s going to bark at […]

TSA Agent Flips Coin Every Morning To See If He’s Going To Be Pleasant Or Bellow At You Like Drill Sergeant

DENVER, CO — Every morning, local TSA Officer Steve Harper gets out of bed, takes a shower, eats two hard-boiled eggs, gets dressed, and then flips his lucky coin to find out if he’s going to be a pleasant, easygoing guy who is gracious to flustered, stressed-out travelers, or if he’s going to bark at […]

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