Posts Tagged ‘disqualification’

Fani Willis wraps testimony in disqualification hearing

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) has completed her testimony in a fiery hearing over whether she and her office should be disqualified from prosecuting the 2020 election interference case involving former President Trump in Georgia. Prosecutors with the district attorney’s office said Friday morning they would not question Willis further over her relationship… […]

Schiff says 14th Amendment disqualification ‘fits Donald Trump to a T’

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday said he believes the argument some legal experts are making that former President Trump is disqualified from holding elected office again because of the 14th Amendment is “valid,” adding that the part of the Amendment that bans those who “engaged in insurrection” from holding elected office “fits Donald Trump… […]

Pakistan’s Sharif resigns after disqualification by Supreme Court

Press TV – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan has resigned following a Supreme Court ruling that disqualified him from office over corruption charges. Sharif’s office said on Friday that he was resigning shortly after the Supreme Court issued a verdict disqualifying him earlier in the day “He is disqualified as a member of the […]

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