Posts Tagged ‘fliers’

Antisemitic Fliers Claiming Antifa Is a ‘Jewish Communist Militia’ Found in Staten Island

Antifa activists. Photo: Old White Truck/Wikimedia. Antisemitic fliers were discovered placed in public areas in the New Dorp area of Staten Island, New York on Saturday, local online outlet reports. The fliers claim that the far-left group Antifa is a “Jewish communist militia” engaged in a “a war against all non-Jewish European-American nationalists.” This […]

Man Sentenced To Jail For Handing Out Jury Nullification Fliers

Mysterious Fliers Threaten ‘Genocide of the White Race’

With the headline “Jobs Jobs Jobs,” fliers have been popping up around San Diego’s Little Italy with racially charged language appearing to target white people. 10 News has obtained several variations of the flier. While the language varies slightly, they all use the same font and have similar themes. Alyssa Ermann said she received one […]

Mysterious Fliers Threaten ‘Genocide of the White Race’

With the headline “Jobs Jobs Jobs,” fliers have been popping up around San Diego’s Little Italy with racially charged language appearing to target white people. 10 News has obtained several variations of the flier. While the language varies slightly, they all use the same font and have similar themes. Alyssa Ermann said she received one […]

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