Posts Tagged ‘fog’

Burgers contain rat and human DNA, study finds

Upon ordering a burger in a fast food chain, diners might have already come to terms with the fact there is a very slim chance of horse meat lurking under that tomato.  But the additions of rat and human DNA could be harder to swallow. A new study from US-based food testing company Clear Labs has […]

Explosive New Evidence Links Saudi Embassy To 9/11 Attacks

Explosive new evidence has been released that directly connects the Saudi Arabia government to the 9/11 terror attacks, on the day that President Barack Obama arrived in Riyadh for an awkward meeting with the Saudi regime.  The flight certificate belonging to Al-Qaeda bomb maker Ghassan Al-Sharbi has been discovered secretly hidden away in an envelope inside […]

Animal con artists: Bears in Moscow Zoo beg for food to ‘manipulate people’, study says

READ MORE: Bears here, there and everywhere: Wild animals rule, possessing homes, parks, cars & boats (VIDEOS) The recently released study, which exposes “cunning” sloth bears is based on the data the scientists collected throughout 2014. Researchers have been suspecting this for quite a while, but after closely watching a pair of sloth bears for […]

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