Tax evasion rampant in Greece

“People are suspending some payments because we are in a pre-election period and also because of uncertainty stemming from a potential Greek euro exit,” the official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

The official added that the government is expected to experience a 10-percent reduction in tax revenues this month.

According to the country’s authorities, tax revenues have declined by 15-30 percent in May in tax offices away from the major cities and relative wealth centers of Athens and Thessaloniki.

Head of Greece’s independent accountants’ union Abraam Panidis says a large number of Greek companies have reported losses, adding “People don’t have money to pay their taxes because of unemployment and recession.”

The newly-released figures show that the unemployment rate in debt-ridden Greece hit record high in February, rising to 21.7 percent from a revised 21.3 percent in January.

Data, released by the country’s statistics service, ELSTAT, indicated that the total number of unemployed people jumped to 1.07 million in the month.

Greece is now in its fifth year of recession, its longest in decades, with over 500,000 thousand jobs being lost between 2008 and 2012.

The country has been in political turmoil since its parliamentary elections on May 6 failed to give any of the participating parties an absolute majority. The political crisis has shaken financial markets and pushed experts into questioning Athens’ ability to stay in the eurozone.

Leaders of 27 EU countries on Wednesday met to find ways to contain the crisis, and prepare contingency plans in case Greece quits the single currency area.

The leaders concluded their latest summit early Thursday with few concrete steps to fix the financial crisis.

EU leaders have held several similar meetings over the past months but the crisis in the eurozone keeps worsening.


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