Taxi for Ulster’s attorney-general!

Quentin Letts

15:12 EST, 20 April 2012


16:05 EST, 20 April 2012

Proceedings: Former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain is to be prosecuted for mocking a Belfast judge

Proceedings: Former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain is to be prosecuted for mocking a Belfast judge

Lawyers and politicians in Ulster and Westminster are in uproar over a decision by Northern Ireland’s attorney-general to prosecute Peter Hain MP for criticising a Belfast judge.

The decision by inexperienced Attorney General John Larkin to haul Mr Hain to court — proceedings begin on Tuesday — could  torpedo Mr Larkin’s nascent career in public life.

I reported the matter here three weeks ago. With Parliament on Easter recess, nothing happened  at first. This week, however, the matter erupted.

Mr Larkin’s challenge to free speech was attacked by David Cameron, David Blunkett and top Tory David Davis. A parliamentary motion in support of Mr Hain was signed by more than 120 MPs. And Mr Larkin was scorned by Northern Ireland’s Finance Minister, Sammy Wilson MP.

The hapless Larkin is fast being disowned by close colleagues. A veteran Belfast lawyer says: ‘Peter Hain was not popular when Secretary of State here, but John Larkin has made a disastrous mistake. Everyone at the Bar Library is saying “we can’t stand Hain, but we hope he wins”.

‘Larkin cannot retreat or he is ruined. He is similarly done for if this mad case continues.’

Barrister Edward Craven, from London’s Matrix Chambers, talks of ‘universal surprise’ among English lawyers who have analysed the case.

The prosecution follows remarks Mr Hain made in a book about Sir Paul Girvan, a judge who clashed with Mr Hain over an aspect of the Northern Irish peace process. Under an ancient, withered law it is apparently illegal to mock a judge. Most people had forgotten about that law, but not Mr Larkin, an ambitious wee fella prone to ornate language and self-esteem.

A friend of Sir Paul suggests that Mr Hain’s victim is ‘horrified’ by the prosecution. ‘Girvan is a good guy in this. Larkin’s barkin’!’

Not least of the problems is the question of who could supervise any trial of Mr Hain.

Belfast’s legal world is a dizzyingly cosy place. Everyone knows one another. Several of the judges who could officiate are already personally involved in the hoo-hah.

Taxi for Mr Larkin.

Regarding Abu Qatada, Dorset reader J.S. Perry writes: ‘We had a similar position with Napoleon. He was despatched to St Helena, which is still a British Overseas Territory. I suggest we repeat history and send Abu Qatada and his family there. Some form of compensation to the islanders should cover any inconvenience.’


Drugs, Brand and Keith Vaz-matazz

Keith Vaz’s Home Affairs committee, considering drugs, is to look at ‘the nature of addiction’. But is Labour’s Mr Vaz himself addicted to publicity? He has invited TV comedian Russell Brand to give evidence.

Does Mr Vaz seriously think ex-druggie Brand, with his wealth, glamour and fame, can inform drugs policy for the citizenry at large?

Or is this just about Mr Vaz toking up on headlines?

There is a line between having strong parliamentary committees and having those committees turned into vehicles for self-promotion.
Mr Vaz’s committee colleagues are made to look foolish by his vanity.

Brighton’s festival fringe, which receives public handouts, is promoting an American graffiti artist called Scape Martinez.

‘I am really looking forward to visiting the UK,’ says this 21st-century Tintoretto. ‘Graffiti is part of a global culture of conversation and exchange, shaping the places we live.’ Shaping? Does he mean ‘defacing’?

Martinez combines ‘elements of graffiti and abstract expressionism to create rhythmic and expressive compositions’. The fringe’s trustees include a former police advisory group member, the finance director of the University of Sussex and a solicitor. If they find their town  smeared by profane daubs, I trust they will make suitably admiring noises.

Fogeyish: Peter Wimsey

Fogeyish: Peter Wimsey

Bryant’s sartorial Wimsey

Chris Bryant is seen as a moderniser in his politics, if not a minimalist in his wardrobe. Yet the Rhondda MP turned up this week wearing a splendidly fogeyish three-piece suit.

Orating, he actually did that thing of sticking a thumb in one of his waistcoat pockets.

All he needed was a fob watch and he could have been Lord Peter  Wimsey (right).

‘Maybe I’m just getting old,’ says dapper Bryant, an ex-public schoolboy who recently turned 50.

Other ‘three-piecers’ include Father of  the House Sir Peter Tapsell, the Lib Dems’ Sir Alan Beith and Shadow Leader of the Commons Angela Eagle.

From backstage at the Royal Opera House come the sort of bloodcurdling curses and laments normally heard when Brunhilde is about to be gobbled by flames.

The reason: a string of casting calamities which have befallen a revival of La Boheme opening next Friday.

Mimi was to be sung by a German soprano, Anja Harteros. Nine days ago she quit for ‘personal reasons’. Ireland’s Celine Byrne was recruited.

The following day it was disclosed that Russian bass Yuri Vorobiev was having visa problems and could not play Colline at the start of the run.

A British lad, Matthew Rose, was pulled in off the subs’ bench.

Next, eek, Fraulein Harteros’s replacement, Miss Byrne, also blew a gasket. ‘Health reasons.’

At this rate, director John Copley, 78, may have to give his larynx a squirt. ‘We are,’ says a stoical Opera House spokesman, ‘looking forward to opening night.’

Vegan vitriol

Labour (party of deficit denial and guacamole) jumped up and down in the Commons this week about the so-called ‘Cornish pasty tax’.

Attacks were led by frontbencher Cathy Jamieson. Yet she soon had to admit to a dark secret: she herself never touches pasties because she is a vegan. From the back of the House came the heckle: ‘Resign!’

Postman Pat? No! It's the Serjeant at arms!

Postman Pat? No! It’s the Serjeant at arms!

Congratulations to  Lawrence Ward, new Serjeant at Arms of the Commons. He gets to wear a sword and stockings.  When his appointment was announced this week he blushed very sweetly.

He is qualified in at least one respect: he has an elegant  pair of pins. The Serjeant is officially a Crown appointment and there were ructions with Buckingham Palace last time, when a civilian woman was selected.

It was said that the Queen would have preferred ‘a man who had worn uniform’ (ie a top-brass  military type). Mr Ward has worn uniform. He used to be  a postman.

David Cameron asserts strongly that doctors will not be allowed to practise here unless they can speak English. Bang goes any hopes John Prescott might have had of becoming a quack.

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