Tehran intl. book fair wraps up

This year’s fair was closed during a ceremony attended by Iranian Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi, Iran’s Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini and a number of cultural officials on May 12.

According to director of the annual event Bahman Dorri, about six million book-lovers visited the event and the presented publications were warmly welcomed at this year’s fair.

The Sureh-Mehr Publishing Institute and Dar-al Hadith Cultural Institute were announced as top publishers of the year.

Madrese Borhan Cultural Institute and Astan-e Qods Razavi Publications were also named the best publishers of the year in the children’s books section.

Over 2,400 Iranian publishers offered their products at this year’s fair along with 1600 international publishers from 77 countries.

Tehran’s annual International Book Fair is one of the biggest book events in the world where many domestic and international publishers convene to present their latest publications.

The 2012 edition of the event was held from May 2 to 12, at Tehran’s Grand Prayer Grounds.


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