Thailand’s Got Talent rebuked over topless painter

She said that public nudity was unacceptable and jarred with Thailand’s
conservative culture.

“There must be limits to artist expression,” said the minister, Ms
Sukumol. “The minister will meet the producers of Thailand’s Got Talent
to get an explanation.”

The show had not gone out live and the producers could easily have cut the
clip entirely if they had desired. Indeed a YouTube video of the segment
shows they had pixilated out a shot of the contestant’s breasts taken from
the side.

The woman judge on the panel, who eventually walked off the set, complained
that the performance was inappropriate to Thai culture and was dismayed by
audience members who expressed their support for the artist.

But the contestant interviewed after her performance, now covered by a sheet,
said that if she had merely done a normal painting the act would have been
nothing special.

The two male judges decided the performance was a form of artistic expression
and advanced her to the next round.

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