That¿s spooky! Pensioner uncovers mysterious old woman walking in his garden using night vision camera

Sara Malm

16:31 EST, 1 July 2012


17:22 EST, 1 July 2012

Dick Williams was baffled to find that his night-vision camera set out to catch wildlife had filmed an old lady

Dick Williams was baffled to find that his night-vision camera set up to catch wildlife had filmed an old lady

A pensioner checking his garden camera expecting footage of nocturnal wildlife was shocked to find it depicting an elderly woman walking up his garden path.

Dick Williams, 88, said he was ‘gob-smacked’ when found that it had filmed a mystery woman taking a late-night stroll along his patio.

The spooky footage, taken at about 10pm the night before, shows what appears to be the back of an elderly lady – dressed in slippers and a nightgown – walking through the back garden of his home in Churchstoke, Shropshire.

The intruder walks towards the shed before disappearing out of the camera’s view and is not seen again.

The father-of-one said today: ‘We put the camera out just to see some wildlife like badgers and foxes, but the last thing I expected to see in my back garden was an old woman.

‘I don’t think it’s a ghost. I don’t believe in them – but of course people can make up their own minds.’

Despite inquiries being made with police and local nursing homes no trace of the woman has been found.

It is not known who she is or what she was doing in Mr Williams’ garden that night.

Mr Williams, a retired wine executive, added: ‘Nobody has come forward to say that they might know who it is.

The ghostly lady comes into view, dressed in her slippers and what appears to be a nightgown

Caught on camera: The ghostly lady comes into view, dressed in her slippers and what appears to be a nightgown

‘Because of the angle the camera was at we could only see her legs up to her lower back.

‘She was heading towards the shed when she disappeared out of view and at no point did she come back into shot.

‘We wondered whether it was someone sleepwalking or maybe someone who lives at the local residential home.

‘But we mentioned it to the police and they tried the care homes and they had no record of anyone being missing.’

Late night stroll: She continues down the garden path towards the shed, as she is filmed on her 10pm walk

Late night stroll: She continues down the garden path towards the shed, as she is filmed on her 10pm walk

Mystery: The elderly woman disappears out of the camera's view and is not seen again. Police have not been able to identify her

Mystery: The elderly woman disappears out of the camera’s view and is not seen again. Police have not been able to identify her

Retired Mr Williams, who lives with his wife Nora, said he has never been suspicious of any strange late night visitors, not human ones anyway.

He said: ‘I’ve found evidence of badgers and other wildlife which is why I first decided to set up the camera.

‘But nothing that made us think someone had been in our garden.

‘We think it’s just a one off, and I haven’t caught her on camera again since’

Constable Huw Morgan, of Dyfed-Powys Police, confirmed police were investigating: ‘Officers reviewed the images and made inquiries but to no avail.

‘We have not been able to identify the woman.’

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Pretty trim legs and ankles, not sure they belong to an ‘old’ lady though …. someone havin’ a laugh!!

Strange that she doesn’t come back the same way How did she get out of the garden?

UKIP will ban this

Sleepwalker .

I bet the old woman doesn’t have a clue who she is or where she’s from either!


Er – it’s him in a skirt and shoes.

Why does he have cameras in his garden in the first place? Strange.

I could understand it being a bit of a mystery at 4am – but 10pm? And it’s still light at 10pm.

These UKIP supporters should be better cared for.

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