The .0001%: Michael Moore on Occupy Bilderberg- “Occupy what?”
May 9, 2012

Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange asks Michael Moore what he thinks about Occupy Bilderberg.

Michael Moore: Khalid Sheik Mohammed Should Have Been Tried In NYC

Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange asks Michael Moore what he thinks about the trial of accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed at Guantanamo Bay.

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52 Responses to “The .0001%: Michael Moore on Occupy Bilderberg- “Occupy what?””

  1. Isn’t Michael Moore the Groom of the Stool at Buckingham Palace…uh…I mean: Isn’t Michael Moore the poster child for the American Heart Attack Association?

  2. what an exciting period of time to be alive. the things we are heading face first into. PLEASE pray for ron paul and the sheep we call our brethren. black, white, brown skin does not matter,, everyones tag says ‘made by God’ on it,, even mm’s. so let’s get up tomorrow and stretch, open a window and take a deep breath while facing fukushima, and get out there and tell people about ron paul !!!

  3. He’s either too woefully un-informed to be informing other people, or he’s lying. (He’s lying.) “How’s the catering?” Fat F….

  4. michael moore is a joke, think about how every one of his movies has incited the mainstream liberals’ top priority of the year
    Roger Me: auto bailout stimulus(little early)

    Bowling for Columbine: gun control

    Fahrenheit 9/11: blind assessment of 9/11 to only oppose Iraq war without questioning the attacks and all theatres of the war on terror

    Sicko: calls for healthcare overhaul allowing support for obamacare

    Capitalism a love story: OWS class warfare fodder

    • he knows bilderberg meetings, i bet he attends so they could brief what his next subject will be

  5. The other day, I heard Alex say he just hired some mods for the comments section, which I think its a great idea. . . BUT, who did he hire? I am seeing a literal explosion of troll comments, racists, violent people. . . I even see the same message being posted by 10 different people in copy/paste style. I really think that the comment sections might need to go away. The single worst thing about Infowars are the troll commenters who post ridiculous crap to discredit the good and relevant information. I’m sick of these morons going on and on about “The Jews” or leaving racist comments about black people. I know they aren’t real commenters, but the people you guys hired to reign in that stuff are either spending their days looking at adult videos online, or they might be on the other side of the fence, purposefully allowing the most abusive, racist, violent trash in. I think that this is going to be a major attack point on here, as the information cannot be discredited. . . so they’ll go right for the comments, to associate it in the minds of potential readers with racists, violent thugs, and extremists. I don’t at all think Infowars is extremist, but the trolls are trying to paint that picture. . .

    • Agreed.

      A forum should be an opportunity for readers to post relevant comments concerning the article they are reading about.

      The foul language, racist comments and threatening remarks damage the credibility of this website every day.

      Regarding Michael Moores quick comments I think he must surely have heard of Bilderberg!

    • Thank you for saying that. Im jewish and let me tell you jews dont run the world just nazi propaganda that the ignorant cling 2

  6. maybe it’s wishful thinking, maybe it’s my imagination, but I can almost see him thinking, “I’m finished, I’m on the wrong team, nobody believes me anymore, I can’t believe it’s already over, how can the best be behind me so soon, I’m a fool, I’m washed up, I’m rich, I’ll make a joke about the catering, that will make me feel better, what was Fahrenheit 9/11 about again?”

  7. As Zbigniew Brzezinski calls it, the Bilder-gruepes Group

  8. It’s interesting how even alternative media like Infowars spawns this “us vs. them” mentality. Almost every single comment is how Michael M. is fat, overweight, needs to lose weight, a liar, a fat fuck, etc.
    Everything can be said about Alex as well. And, the guys commenting as well. Post your pics and I will comment about your fat asses and how you need to “lose weight”. Thanks.

    • Are you fat ?

  9. If Michael Moore is savvy (and he is) he is on guard when he sees Luke or anyone else associated with “9/11 truth” in the vicinity and plays it cagey.

    After all,Luke and his crew have been traipsing around the country assuring one and all that the Jew confessed and the inside job has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    Moore has credibility,unlike Jones and his lackey,Rucksackie.

    • If you’re referring to Larry Goldstein, he did confess to giving the order to bring down building 7. But keep being ignorant, I’m sure that’s gotten you far in the past.

    • and yet,,, you are here at infowars?,, reading? Jones has no credibility? Go away.

    • You say that almost as if Luke Rudkowski is anti-Jew. Last time I checked, I believe he’s Jewish himself, so I guess that would mean he’d have to hate himself?

  10. what what what!! can he really be that clueless?? don’t think so, just a shil ? maybe bush been putting too much fluoride in his burgers.

  11. We Should not be influenced to throw away education or books.

  12. Fahrenheit 51 at Blockbuster Video in FDL? No it shut down.

  13. Hah. Only thing fat ass could think about was the catering at the Bilderberg meeting.

    • hahahaha

    • we need to get on our knees every time we think to, and ask the Lord to bless the nation and the people, and ron paul/

  14. Well he can’t deny in the future about knowing the Bilderburgs since he is on record now and was given an explanation of who and what they represent. If he plays dumb on the subject in the future it will come back to bite him.

  15. Why would anyone ask fat boy anything?



  17. Michael Moore looks like a juicy Oregon-coast banana slug in a baseball cap.

    • LOL ! Tag, you’re funny, funny, funny !!!!!!!!!!!!! And you’re right, he does.

  18. Moore, spoken like a true Bilderberger. Duh, “what’s Bilderburg?”

  19. Ummmmmm. Dumb ass.

  20. When I heard that the perps of 9/11 were to go on trail, I said, “Oh, great…Bush and Cheney will have their day in court!”


  21. “a fair trail”, from a gang of demon worshippors? ..good luck with that one.

    • *trial.

    • Better than no trial. I mean, we did give the Nazis trials. Hell, even Dubya Bush gave Saddam a trial. . . remember that? Obama just sends in the death squad, no questions asked, no trial, no rule of law.

  22. I hope I dont wake up in my tent and find Michael Moore.

  23. What does this clown mean “who’s Bilderberg?”
    What would a more logical and relevant name for the Bilderbergers be?
    What do they call themselves?
    The Secret Euro-American Conference on Ideas of How to Control, Restrict, and Poison Society.
    Control Resrict And Poison = CRAP

    • Too bad we couldn’t find a clip of Michael Moore talking about Bilderberg from back in the day.

    • Methinks Michael is hedging his bets.

  24. that slimy socialist slug can’t say it doesn’t know about the existence of bilderberg any more.

    notice the first thing that popped into it’s slug brain was the quality of the catering?

    Q. what do you get when you cross a pig, a slug and a collectivist sphincter sucker?
    A. michael moore.

  25. WILL Hollowood be ground Zero? WELL mr Moore pack Twinkies eater YOU DISHONOR THE NAME MICHAEL!

  26. Proof that Michael Moore is an establishment tool.

  27. Michael Moore tells so many lies, he makes alsharpton jealous.

  28. I think it is absolutely impossible for Moore not to know anything about Bilderberg. More like a case of selective memory rejecting what he finds to be “not for discussion”. He looks positively awful and morbidly obese. He should be on a health regimen instead of eating himself into Jabba The Hut. Toxic answers from toxic libertards. He probably is still on the “Al Hore” Climate Change Global Warming bandwagon.

    • Hi Wells……he’s ‘in’ the club. Behind the scenes funded by the same people he is supposedly exposing.


      • Sarah: have you ever seen the movie “American Psycho”?

        That may seem a random question, but really it’s not.

        • =) no, what are you implying tag? lol

  29. lol

  30. He should lose some of that fat,he’d look more human

    • You got to be joking. He would just look like a skinny pig, not a fat one.

    • Don’t hold your breath. On second thought, if ya get near him, maybe ya better.

  31. Why should we care what this pompous ass has to say regarding anything.

    • It’s not what he says, it’s how he reacts, and being asked REAL, IMPORTANT questions, that matters.

      Maybe then Moore will start asking real questions, himself.

    • That’s Right1

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