The Big Issue

THE Sure Cure For Delusion and Insanity; DAVE’S BIG TRUTH!


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ENJOY THE ONLINE VERSION OF THIS GROUNDBREAKING ARTICLE WITH KILLER PUBLIC COMMENTARY BELOW IT!  FYI; The article itself has many additions and is well worth the re-read!

The subject matter in the following pages exposes the largest lie ever told.  We will be exploring the most fundamental fact about our lives that any non-satanic/masonic human being living today ever has, or ever will conceive.  This will not be easy to accept but it is the 100% bona fide truth and once you’ve digested it, your outlook on life and life itself will begin changing for the better, drastically for the better.  The reason’s simple, it is because being deceived about basic understandings in our lives such as the size of Earth, Resources, War, Overpopulation, Global Warming and “others”  results in de facto delusion and clinical, textbook insanity.  That is what we aim to begin curing in the next 4 short pages.   ***THIS IS THE RED PILL***



Unlike “The Matrix” movie that screenshot is from, this is 100% REAL.  Nothing on this page can be debunked by anyone, period.  And the simple reason for that fact is that as usual, God Willing, everything we’re saying is the Truth!  This particular lie is so huge and blatant that we challenge anyone to come up with one single fact that proves the earth is a tiny 24,864 mile in circumference ball spinning at 666 miles per hour through a giant vacuum of a galaxy like the jews who own all the media, the jews at NASA and the jews at the vatican have told us forever.  COME UP WITH JUST ONE FACT THAT PROVES EARTH IS WHAT THEY SAY IT IS.  JUST ONE VERITABLE FACT!!!  You can’t, no one can because it’s all lies. On the other hand what everyone with an IQ of say 60 or more can do, is utterly disprove the tiny earth lie with literally dozens and dozens of simple, obvious and impossible to refute FACTS. 

Many will want to cling to the idea that being lied to by the current leadership of our world hasn’t affected them, but that’s a big, fat lie in and of itself, the worst kind.  Denial of any reality, especially big ones will never get you anywhere; it only worsens the sickness which will insidiously manifest itself in destructive emotions such as depression, confusion, fear, anxiety and rage over any number of things having nothing to do with the deception itself.  Everyone has experienced this to some degree because our entire society is sick, even the deceivers have been deceived.  After all, what sane, non-deceived group of leaders would ever rule by the masonic motto of MATERIALISM, IMPOSITION & DESTRUCTION?  We’ll come back to that very important subject, but for now, just think about what it took to make some people turn against the rest of us.  For instance, take those who say they’re “Gods’ chosen”, they’re saying they’re better than YOU, that’s de facto racism and bigotry isn’t it? And it’s the worst, most depraved and murderous example in all of human history straight out of the Holy Bible and Holy Quran!!!

But in reality, it’s the jews who are deceived into being cruel, greedy, selfish, bigoted, infantile liars that can only win by cheating and injuring those who are stronger or smarter than them.  Their lies regarding scientific and earthy natures inherently reduce one’s IQ and often lead to sickness/disease of the body via “psychosomatic illness” as coincidentally coined in ancient Rome, home to the jewish vatican.  A good example of this is; if you thought all the air, water, soils and food around you were toxic, you could experience a real life placebo effect which will weaken and sicken you.  Hence, oppressive regimes across history have used deception as a weapon to weaken our minds and yes, our bodies, thereby making We The People easier to manage.  Of course there’s also the bonus of $7 TRILLION in profits if you happen to own the medical industrial complex and big pharma with its $300 Billion per yr in psychoactive meds, the most profitable of ALL US businesses!  We’re going to begin taking a bite out of their profits while regaining the collective sanity of We The People! (“sanity” comes from latin “sanus” meaning healthy) It’s Time . . . to heal!

Since this is about your health, I aim to provide the largest dose of truth imaginable herein.  There’s been so much satanic/jewish propaganda on this one it took over a month just for me to accept its’ possible existence enough to delve into it, and then another month to sift through all the bullshit pertaining to it online while doing the work that irrefutably proves it.  This deception has been engrained into our psyches so deeply that as far as I know, no one has been able to break through the veil until now.  And I can tell you, it wasn’t easy for me, nor will it be for you.  This lie has been taught to us our entire lives and anchored with millions upon millions of suggestions delivered via every kind of medium conceivable.  From church to school to music, TV, film, art, the web and publications of all kinds, we have all been repeatedly and mercilessly subjected to this deception.  It is hands down the most outrageously damning lie ever to have been told to the masses by our jewish leadership.  (by damning I mean for them!!!)  I promise when you’re done chewing on this, you will gain ultimate clarity in knowing for certain that the jews in your city, county, state and federal govts as well as all the talking heads in their media who work for, lie for and side with them are NOT your friends, AT ALL.

The value of having this certainty cannot be calculated and therefore, this edition of the GG is in fact priceless!  What would you give someone for proving Earth is NOT going to crap?  That animals are NOT going to go extinct?  That non-jewish humanity isn’t a virus!  What if I told you Extra Terrestrials are real and of earth, hence the word “extra” as in other or more, earth bound terrestrials!  What if you had concrete evidence they never left after building the pyramids but rather just lived a little ways away on another part of the earth?  What if it all finally made sense to you?  What if Earth has far more resources that we’re supposed to protect?  And how would you feel knowing everything is actually going to be just fine?  That not even an big asteroid could ever destroy our beautiful home? What if you could fully refute many of the most depressing subjects of our lives in one fell swoop?  What if you had something entirely new to live, fight and hope for?  Get ready. . . What if Earth is millions of miles in diameter instead of a ridiculously tiny 7,916?  What if that’s a LIE?


Colossal Earth

Purported Size of Earth; 3,958 Radius x 2
= 7,916 Diameter x 3.14 (pi)
= 24,864 Miles Circumference

Hint; It’s NOT a small world after all.


This is it friend, when you’re done digesting the proof on the next pages, you won’t be easily deceived by dejuden again!  I’ve said “everything is a lie” many times but this time, it’s gonna stick.  And don’t worry, as usual I’ll keep it simple, brief and to the point exactly as I’ve been directed.  (yes, this too was shown to me by the grace of God, there is no other explanation why I would be the one (da-vid) to disclose this blatantly OBVIOUS truth while billions of others haven’t over 1,000s of yrs)  And we can all give thanks I wasn’t brainwashed beyond 7th grade because that means we won’t be using complicated mathematics of algebra, geometry or trig to prove this most essential and elemental understanding of our amazing home called Earth!!!



Revelation 5:3 “And no man IN heaven, nor ON earth, neither UNDER the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.”

Page 1

The first time I sat down to do some figuring on this problem I instinctively reached for the PC thinking I could prove it one way or the other in my graphics program “Canvas”.  I’ve used it for creating all the art, logos, and websites for a couple dozen businesses over the years including everything more recently in the AAA, Goyim Gazette, Unified Numbering and etc.  I’ve also used its geometric functionality in architectural design of buildings such as my house so, I figured it’d work for this too.  But there are 2 points I’d like to make about this, firstly it’s a huge coincidence for me to have had such experience, without it virtually none of this would have been possible because decent graphic designers will commonly charge $100 to $500 per hour.  All tallied, it’d be safe to say I’ve done well over a million bucks worth of work even at the lower spectrum of $100 per hour.  The 2nd point is more of a realization Canvas allowed me to have about solving this problem regarding the sizes involved.  Without it, I likely never would have been able to have the epiphany YOU are about to experience as well!  Below is a screenshot of the top of an earth sized sphere I created to scale according to the big lie.  The one on the left is measuring a 60,000 foot tall stick man placed atop our pseudo earth, it was taken at the maximum rate of 204,800%  zoom allowed in my program, the other is at 400% . . . . . bye, bye!


Note; we only see the very tips of arrows & NO curvature at this Zoom!
204,800% ZOOM
400% ZOOM


Instead of 6’ I had to make the stick man 60,000 feet tall just to be able to see him, even at 204,800% zoom!  This should help convey just how phenomenal the magnitude of the problem is to work on without a PC.  Drawing this to the scale I found necessary just to see a 60,000 foot tall man would require a 10 mile long piece of paper!  The point is, this is all about PERSPECTIVE!  We cannot readily perceive earths curvature because like our 60k’ tall man, we’re still too short, even atop 25k’ mountains or in planes at 35k’!  I made the following to illustrate things w/a 10k mile sphere for simplicity;  



That bell curve is also crucial in knowing there’s an exponentially changing factor which comes into play when computing the size of a sphere based upon curvature or distance to the horizon.  Creating an equation for this would be very complex to do and even harder to explain.  (Always recall, satan’s lies are complex but God’s truth is simple)  So instead, we’ll choose to rely on basic, good old fashioned math using the bogus figures from the big lie for the last time . . .



That 3,958 mile “Drop” (Let’s Call It “Dave’s Declination Debunking Rule” DDDR for short) always equals the radius and occurs at 1/4th the circumference from the zenith of any sphere.  In this case we’re provided with the 3,958 and 6,216 mile figures.  OK, now we need to take a quick 6,216 mile road trip!  So, grab Toto and get ready to kiss Kansas goodbye FOREVER(Naysayers are well advised to bring a calculator along to double check some simple 3rd grade math we’ll be doing.  Oh, and if the reality of being lied to by ALL OUR jEWISH LEADERS, Their media, Their internet, Their NASA and Their sick, lying, pedophilic popes is upsetting, be sure to pack a barf bag too!)  Here we go! . . . 3,958 miles distributed over (divided by) the 6,216 miles circumference traveled to DDDR equals 0.6367438 a mile curvature (or drop, fall, declination, etc.) per mile traveled. (3,958 / 6,216 = 0.6367438)  This undeniable numerical FACT equates to a “Ridiculously Impossible Not to Notice” 3,362 feet of curvature/mile. (1 Mile is 5,280 feet x 0.6367438 = 3,362 feet) 

More simply put, this means if we lived on a sphere with a diameter of 7,916 miles, you’d drop an average of 63.67438 feet per 100 feet traveled!  (100 x 0.6367438)  Now remember, this is about PERSPECITVE.  An ant may not notice this but YOU would! And FYI; 3,362 FEET (40,344 Inches) is 5,043 Times Greater than the 8 INCHES of declination per mile that puppets of YOUR jewish ran government, media, internet, NASA and vatican use!  (40,344 / 8 = 5,043)  You can loosely verify the 8 inch factor by viewing objects at a distance over any body of water as mariners always have and do. . .


Is Toronto Sinking?
Shipless Containers?
(Note; Telescopes Don’t Change The Horizon)


Hence, using their 8” rule we can reasonably conclude Earth has an Irrefutably Verifiable 5,043 TIMES LARGER Diameter than we’ve been told by the jews!!!  Using this figure also returns an approximate measurement for Earths’ actual diameter being nearly 40 MILLION MILES WIDE (5,043 X 7,916 = 39,920,388 miles) w/a circumference of 125 MILLION MILES!!!  (39,920,388 x 3.141 (pi) = 125,389,938 miles)  There is no “getting around that” (without a UFO)!  Here is another foolproof method of proving this FACT to oneself; If you went on the same 6,216 mile journey of 1/4th Earths supposed circumference while experiencing the known drop of 8” curvature per mile, you would only have descended about 4,144 feet.  (6,216 miles x 8 inches per mile = 49,728 inches and, 49,728 divided by 12 inches per foot = 4,144 feet NOT 3,958 MILES!!!) 3,958 miles x 5,280 feet per mile = 20,898,240 feet or  5,043 times more than 4,144 feet!  Those numbers don’t lie, and once you’ve fully accepted that much, you’ll begin asking some real good related questions . . .

A BONUS FOR ONLINE READERS; check out this little gem I recently found from the Vedic scriptures which are literally chock full of SUPER ADVANCED KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE UNIVERSE given to the Hindus from God himself circa 7 Millennia BC.  This one is speaking of the big bang theory which is also supported in the Quran but what’s interesting for us now is the measurements given;

Vachanamrut Gadhada II-64; Shriji Maharaj describes the yogic powers of God, “By the yogic powers of God, the 500 million-yojan (1 yojan = 10 x 10 or 100 square miles) surface of the pruthvi (earth) becomes the size of a sub-atomic particle at the time of dissolution. Then, at the time of creation, from being sub-atomic in size, the pruthvi again becomes 500 million yojans large. A wise person would note that God has told us “the surface” is 500 million-yojan which one would obviously conclude must mean “surface area”. (not circumference, diameter or radius)

Here’s a verse about the big bang from the Quran;

21:30  Have not those who disbelieve considered that the heavens and the earth were once one thing then We ripped it apart and made every living thing of water modern science;

51:47  And the heaven We built with might and truly We are ones who expand it.

Here’s the calculation for finding the surface area of a sphere;


The result using “their” 3,958 mile radius of earth is about Two Hundred Million or to be precise 197,061,258 Square Miles of Surface Area. Now Check this out; The result using our estimated size of 20 Million Miles in Radius is about 50 Billion miles of Surface Area or 50,260,000,000 to be precise. Hey, that 50 Billion figure equals 500 Million Yojans each made up of 100 Square Miles!!! (500,000,000 x 100 = 50,000,000,000) AND DON’T MISS THE BLATANTLY OBVIOUS FACT THAT THERE IS A DISCREPANCY OF 49.8 BILLION MILES BETWEEN THEIR RIDICULOUS 200 MILLION MILE SURFACE AREA AND OUR 50 BILLION MILES!







That’s proof from God himself given to the oldest keepers of his/her teachings, the Hindus!!

Page 2

1. But we’ve seen pictures of Earth from space and from the moon right? Sure you have.  You’ve seen pictures from the space between the ears of a bunch of kikes who fabricated the entire Apollo joke.  That’s why there’s no stars in the background of official NASA pics of earth or the moon during their fairy tale adventures with Apollo 11.


Look ma, NO stars!!!


Go ahead, google them. This is also why NO ONE has ever went to the moon again, not the U.S., not Russia, not China, NOBODY. Next;

2. How could such a massive lie possibly exist? Because dirty, rotten, evil, lying, lowlife shitstiens have told this lie to all of us millions of times in every manner conceivable via ownership and control of the media, educational institutions, governments and most importantly, churches under the vatican with all their telescopes around the world and their pagan obsessions regarding astrology.  Think they know???

Still Think that sick, horn waiving POS was ever your friend?


3. But what about the astronauts who’ve been in space and take pics from the space station? Oops, they’re satanic jews too!  And surprise, surprise, if you do the research, you’ll find many are masons as well.  NASA is chock full of masonic CIA kikes just like all the other jewed government alphabet soup gangs, and we’re up to our ears in their tiny earth LIES.  Oh, by the way, Challenger was empty when it exploded.  Not one dirty, rotten, filthy, lying yid died just like 9/11 and all big psycho shootings.  Can you say insurance fraud and CIA psy-ops?


Mission Specialist Judy Resnik Today. Prof of Law at Yale University

Commander Richard Scobee Today. (Owns “Cows In Trees, Ltd”)

Pilot Michael Smith Today. Professor at University of W-M



Here’s the best video short on the lying shills of NASA you’ll ever see. (Which is why you won’t find it anywhere else but on our private servers!)



Download “NASHA” HERE (Length: 30 Minutes, 83 MB .mpeg video)


4. What about pilots of airplanes and captains of ships who fly and sail “around the world”, wouldn’t they have noticed a colossal earth? Firstly, many early explorers/murderers such as Columbus were jews.  That aside, modern navigators are trained with jewish books so they rely upon using compasses which always point north (instead of the stars).  And again, this has to do with perception, one cannot perceive the gradual turning to north which occurs while circumnavigating earth even at the speed of sound, much less 20 knots.  Let’s use the jewish UN logo they’ve mocked you with to depict what’s going on;



That was a real map of our “earth circle”! (we’ll come back to that)

5. Why do differing opinions and various procedures for making calculations for navigating earth exist? One word; PROPAGANDA.

6. How do they keep this quiet? On top of owning all the media and using it to both censor the truth and program our minds with advanced propaganda, they also use magick which is in fact telepathy via the 3rd eye, also known as the brains’ pinal gland.  When the average person stumbles across big truths like this one in particular, they can expect to be mentally assaulted by “others”.  For instance, along with being programmed to have knee jerk disbeliefs of OBVIOUS truths, you’re likely experiencing an all-out telepathic attack right now.  And FYI;  Your level of resolve will in part, prove your faith. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 “For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all be damned who believed not the truth.”  OK, now let’s put this all together by connecting the dots with a few graphics about Lucifer (a jinn) from some of my other works;



You’re seeing prima fascia evidence that conspiracies, satan (an ET), supernaturals and telepathy are quite real. You’re in a fight for YOUR freedom against real life evil. (not funny Dr. Evil or fairy tale evil, we’re talking real, diabolic, vile, despicable and vicious evil)  This is NOT a silly game, you’re NOT reading fiction and if you have the tenacity, faith and love for God and his truths, this issue alone has the potential to set you free because earth is sort of central to YOUR life!

Page 3

7. What about the satellites I’ve seen whizzing by way up in the sky at night? The OBVIOUS clue here is this; satellites would appear stationary because that’s the entire point, satellite dishes don’t move, they’re fixed!  The truth is; our supposed satellite dishes are pointed towards distant high powered radio towers which bounce signals off the firmament.  Those lights in the sky are ETs and I’ve seen them in the daylight 5 times over the course of my life to date.  What, OMG!

8 . . . The final and most important question to which we’ll dedicate most of this page is; Why did jews lie to us about the size of Earth? Because biblical jewish satanism is based upon “master & servant”, it’s slavery.  The jewish talmud teaches them that non-jews are their slaves allotted to them by their g-d who is lucifer, a jinn.  But most good folks aren’t keen to the idea of being servants to evil, bigoted, parasitic monsters so, they had to deceive us about themselves and our uses to them.  It all started with getting us to buy into their totally one sided monetary systems which are based upon using earths’ resources.  Firstly, the less resources you think there are, the more they’re worth.  That’s an elemental understanding to have about this.  Secondary is jews also had to make We The People into sick, greedy, destructive and materialistic takers like themselves. Note MATERIALISM and DESTRUCTION from their satanic/masonic motto, all that’s left is IMPOSITION.  Since most can readily understand how materialism is necessary for capitalism and hence judaism, let’s dissect destruction starting with a couple examples of propaganda to make you malleable;




If WTP weren’t subjected to propaganda on destructive, evil things like waste, pollution, deforestation, overfishing and war, we could never get used to them.  It took decades just to get us to use disposable cups!  And if we weren’t used to destruction, we wouldn’t put up with it which would equal failure to the jews who have to kill innocents and destroy earth to extract its resources.  If we weren’t numbed into submitting to destruction, their worthless (to us) fiat currency, their fractional reserve system and their usurious lending would never have been possible.  This is why you do NOT want to use their “satanic all seeing eye money” and DO want to have your own form of Earth and God respecting Outbank currency with no interest, taxes, penalties or slavery for you, whether voluntary (as you are/were) or non (as you can be).  Their money truly is at the root of all, real life EVIL.  Get it? 

But I digressed back to one of the other practical purposes of all this, the more fantastic side of it is FREEING YOU and humanity from the shackles of evil, vicious, psychotically bigoted, jewish, satan worshipping tyrants seeking to PERMANENTLY enslave you now, and your soul later.  Next we’ll delve further into exactly why they had to totally and ruthlessly deceive us all to continue their parasitic existences, but the BIG realization is it all began millennia ago in the satanic, jewish vatican with this gargantuan lie about the size of your and my home, planet Earth.  Enjoy this first ever peek at our reality;


“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” Job 26:7  “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth” Isaiah 40:22  ARE THINGS BEGINNING TO MAKE A LITTLE MORE SENSE YET???  TRY ADDING THIS INTO THE MIX;  “That old serpent the devil who deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into earth” Rev 12:9  Hey the world and the Earth are mentioned separate from one and other!  What is just this issue of the Goyim Gazette alone worth?  HOW BIG CAN YOU THINK?  Earth is But A Tiny Spot Atop a Much, Much Larger World Making Up the Kingdom of God!!!


The thing you have to understand about satanic deceptions is this; The more lies you believe, the more lies you WILL believe.  It can get to a point (and has for many now) where one cannot discern between Gods’ truth and their lies.  You can see how that would and does benefit an evil, oppressive group of oligarchs who require their slaves to be unaware of their misfortune.  The best kind of slaves are those who don’t know it!  Keeping the masses dumbed down and deceived is at the very core of their modus because they have to live among us.  (which they do as you’ll find out for yourself when you try to share pretty much any of my works with traitorous crypto jews who you WILL FIND are your neighbors, coworkers and family members that have strategically placed  themselves into your life for their clan with the primary purpose of using, deceiving and dumbing down you and your real Adamite kin!)  That is a very important process to go through but the real point I’m trying to make here is that satanic lies aren’t like lies where someone is simply trying to get away with something they did.  These lies literally make one delusional, insane, WEAK and MANIPULATABLE for easy, non-resistant, candy from a baby style enslavement.  This is about methodic deployment of highly advanced psychology backed by the most malicious & hateful intent imaginable, that being to mercilessly oppress unsuspecting innocents while robbing them of their connection to all that’s good and true in the here and now, as well as the eternal future with our Creator.  That’s a good example of IMPOSITION but there’s more

First I want to hit on the most diabolical part of the jewish New World Order agenda one more time.  The best non-jews ARE being slowly killed and dumbed down by crypto jews living among us right this second.  They have no genes for empathy, they are not like you. Some jews are just deceived Adamites being used as tools and if that’s you, you’re not only one of the dumbest, most idiotic and gullible fools on earth, you’re also going to prison then hell if you don’t repent (stop) right now.  That’s my last warning to subversives.  Again, what kind of idiots would allow, much less participate in such depraved, hateful manners if they too were not utterly deceived?

As for everyone of my kind, I ask you, if you haven’t already accepted this as factual, when you finally do, will you be angry with the worthless, satanic jew pukes who’ve lied to you about it over the course of your entire life?  Will you continue to allow them to rule over you like a lowly idiot?  Will you trust them to continue handling all of your affairs, making your laws, needlessly destroying Gods’ creation, torturing animals, murdering millions of innocents, choosing your violent, perverse and morbid entertainment, creating, controlling and valuing your currency, taxing, poisoning and deceiving you and yours in every manner conceivable while telling you what you can or cannot eat, drink, use, shoot, drive or do in nearly every regard?  Will you allow them to continue IMPOSING their evil sickness upon you?  Or will you wake the hell up, do your part and respect God by using the free will and life he gave you to do good works while resisting evil and not being used like a whore and played the fool by lowlife liars, cheats and bigots?  BTW; DO read the Bible and/or Quran now with your new goggles on, you’ll be surprised how much better things fit!  (But, do not be deceived by jewish mistranslations of the Bible!!!) Oh, and the biggest reason to lie about earth was to make sure we didn’t explore the southerly portion where billions of ETs reside!  Now pay attention to what’s going through your mind and ask yourself is it you, jewish programming or “others” putting that disbelief in your head?!

Page 4


The following are bonuses only available here on the web version of this article.We return to some scripture to see the obvious;

Daniel 4:10-15 “This was the vision of my head in my bed: I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was exceeding great. The tree was great, and strong: and the height thereof reached unto heaven: the sight thereof was even to the ends of all the earth. (THAT WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE ON ANY BALL SHAPED SPHERE! AND AGAIN, THE “ENDS OF ALL THE EARTH” MEANS WHERE THE FIRMAMENT MEETS THE SURFACE AROUND US AS SHOWN ABOVE.) Its leaves were most beautiful, and its fruit exceeding much: and in it was food for all: under it dwelt cattle, and beasts, and in the branches thereof the fowls of the air had their abode: and all flesh did eat of it. I saw in the vision of my head upon my bed, and behold a watcher, and a holy one came down from heaven. He cried aloud, and said thus: Cut down the tree, and chop off the branches thereof: shake off its leaves, and scatter its fruits: let the beasts fly away that are under it, and the birds from its branches. Nevertheless leave the stump of its roots in the earth . . .” Here’s a pic of Devils’ Tower I used to hike around as a kid growing up in Wyoming. It’s just one of many such petrified stumps around the world.

Next, let it be known that the DDDR (Dave’s Declination Debunking Rule) we used above earlier was how God introduced me to this area of study. However, I have since realized there is a bit of a canard in that you will always have a drop of approximately 2/3rds your run on any sphere. And although such a “drop” on larger spheres wouldn’t be noticeable, it’s not the best way to come to terms with this mathematically speaking. So, while the DDDR is an excellent “shock tool” for stimulating one’s interest, I believe God directed me to it with the primary purpose of getting me (just another human with a tiny brain) to accept the idea enough to want to further prove it. All in all, that process of figuring out other ways to prove this has taken about 9 months of slowly working away at it in the background while doing other stuff. So, I now have much more evidence to use in doing just that, proving it to others such as YOU! First we have a table of the commonly taught and accepted figures of earth’s curvature, this time being obtained via the use of a computer with “autocad” installed starting with a spherical Radius of 3,959 miles (the supposed earth);



Those figures are referring measurements of what’s known as the “true horizon” shown in blue text here;



The way they come up with those figures is by taking the distance squared times 8 inches (actually 8.0019798) which is the known curvature for one mile at sea. It’s a very simple calculation based upon 100% BULLSHIT. So, we’ll do it just for fun to prove it for yourself;

Let’s say we’re going 4 miles which according to the ridiculous calculation table above results in 128.0019718 inches of curvature/drop.


Here’s their math;

4 miles squared (4 x 4) = 16 and;

16 x 8.0019798 = 128.0019 inches drop


The obvious and glaring problem YOU should have with the widely varying figures being used from one mile (or kilometer) to the next in that calculation from the graph above is they don’t make any friggen sense whatsoever! Stop to think about this for a second . . . why wouldn’t the curvature of the first mile be the same as the rest??? Because biblical satanism is based upon deception that’s why!!! I made the following graphic to illustrate this ridiculous satanic farce;

Translated; MILE 1; Yes, I can see it’s about 8″. . . . . MILE 2; 4 times more than the first mile? . . . . MILE 3; Now it’s 9 times more? . . . . MILE 4; 16 times . . . . What the F? If you beLIEve all this bullshit, let’s go for a nice little swim!

The reason commonly cited for this wildly changing drop is that the first step you take is gradual while the last step would be monstrous at a 90 degree angle. That of course is just another pile of BS to distract you from the very basic, kindergarten level of logic relating to the law of averages. But no amount of satanic BS can change the FACT, THAT IN REALITY EACH EQUAL STEP YOU TAKE ON A GLOBE RESULTS IN PRECISELY THE SAME AMOUNT OF CURVATURE.

THIS IS NOT MYSTERIOUS, COMPLICATED OR DEBATABLE SO, FLUSH ALL THAT CRAP OUT OF YOUR BRAIN NOW!!! It doesn’t matter if you’re taking 1 giant step or a million small ones, if they are all equal (like the ones we use in miles or kilometers to measure our globe) they will each result in precisely the same amount of curvature per step on average.



However, one thing about the problem is it can be nearly impossible to prove to oneself via the eye (even with optics to magnify things) due to the well known phenomenon of mirages or what’s famously known as “fata morgana”. Basically, if you ever see any deviation from the constant and reliable 8″ per mile declination with your own eyes, it’s because they’re lying to you exactly as they have before when you’ve seen things like this;




These kind of mirages or fata morgana are due to the refraction of light through differing atmospheres which produce either a superior mirage or an inferior one as illustrated below by the light refRActing through and refLEcting off of a piece of plexiglass because it’s denser than air;



This effect is what’s behind the old fable of the “Flying Dutchman”, a ghost ship that forever sails the horizons with its crew of dead off the coast of Amsterdam around the Cape of Good Hope. Again both inferior and superior versions were and are seen of this phenomenon as documented throughout history;



Here’s a few examples in actual pictures;







It’s not uncommon for the entire horizon to disappear leaving one without any ability to estimate distances, much less declination. Imagine seeing this while traversing a foreign land;



The existence of fata morgana is a significant part of what our corrupt and evil leaders have relied upon for propagating their “big lie” for millennia but it’s time to end that here and now. With that said, we will now explore a very, very interesting little discovery I’ve had which will help us further prove that we’ve been lied to about earth by our corrupt and evil leaders in our governments, schools, churches and of course the vatican where all of their crap originates.

Once again I used my graphics program “Canvas” to do this work but you could use pretty much anything including Adobe Illustrator or Autocad to come to the same irrefutable and mathematically concrete conclusions. What blows me away (and should you as well) about this little gem is the fact that we have apparently been led to find a completely new use for our old friend pi! (3.1415926)

It turns out that once you’ve made it past a certain height/diameter ratio of about 1/2000, the factor of change in distance to the horizon equals pi to within a millionth of a decimal!!! (.000000)

Check it out;

I began discovering this curious mathematical phenomenon while working in Canvas using a 5′ viewing height (the length/height of the black line below) on spheres of increasing diameter starting with 10 feet which gave me the figures I used for the above table;


Once I hit 10,000 and continued upwards, Peggy noticed that the factors of change in viewing distance were approximating to pi! This particular part of the discovery and how the real math tallies is a work in progress. In the mean time, please do chime in with whatever intelligent input YOU might have in the following commentary;



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