The Evil of Monsanto
May 12, 2012

Host Mike Adams talks with GMO researcher Anthony Gucciardi, co-founder of the NaturalSociety website.

RELATED: Letter Shows Monsanto Planted GMOs Before USDA Approval

It is no secret that Monsanto’s GMO crops are threatening to both public health and the environment as a whole, but the depth of Monsanto’s corruption is often a less covered topic. It was previously revealed by WikiLeaks that Monsanto has key figureheads in powerful government positions inside the United States, but what’s more interesting is that Monsanto has many — if not all — U.S. diplomats on their payroll.

Anthony Gucciardi to Appear on Alex Jones’ Infowars Nightly News

May 11, 2012

Anthony Gucciardi will be appearing on Alex Jones’ Infowars Nightly News with special fill-in host Mike Adams of NaturalNews to speak on the subject of Monsanto’s rampant and widespread corruption and disregard for human health. In addition to covering many startling topics on the serious health and environmental effects of Monsanto’s genetically modified creations, Anthony will be releasing a highly exclusive letter that shows how Monsanto may have knowingly planned their GMOs before USDA approval.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

You can live stream the show for free over at Infowars, or watch it live on

It is no secret that Monsanto’s GMO crops are threatening to both public health and the environment as a whole, but the depth of Monsanto’s corruption is often a less covered topic. It was previously revealed by WikiLeaks that Monsanto has key figureheads in powerful government positions inside the United States, but what’s more interesting is that Monsanto has many — if not all — U.S. diplomats on their payroll.

In addition, Monsanto has also been busted for forcing workers into ‘slave-like’ conditions. Forcing slave workers to work the cornfields for 14 hours per day and buy their food at incredibly inflated prices from the company store, Monsanto has had these slave rings for an unknown number of years. It wasn’t until Argentina’s tax agency, known as AFIP, raided the Monsanto corn field did the operation become unveiled.

Monsanto’s corruption has never been more obvious, with many political figureheads in the U.S. government spearheading the initiative to spread Monsanto’s GMO crops far and wide. Even billionaire celebrities like Monsanto shareholder Bill Gates have been pushing GMOs as the answer to everything from starvation to sustainable agriculture.

But despite claims of GMOs amazing ability, it has been shown time and time again that GMO crops are not an effective way to fight starvation. In addition, scientists have shown that GMOs are damaging to your health. A prominent review of 19 studies examining the safety of these crops found that consumption of GMO corn or soybeans can lead to significant organ disruptions in rats and mice – particularly in the liver and kidneys.

The sad truth is that the dangers of genetically modified foods are so prominent that countries around the world are taking a stand and banning the creations.

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16 Responses to “The Evil of Monsanto”

  1. Voor diegenen die niet geloven dat er een plan is voor een WERELD OVERHEID (dit om een populatie reductie beleid in te voeren), hier is een verzameling:

    For those that do not believe there is a plan for a WORLD GOVERNMENT (this to implement population reduction policies), here is a collection:


    A list of members from governments around the world (in total 832, and others) that supports a UN-Centered WORLD PARLIAMENT (ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT / ONE WORLD ORDER), selectable per country:



    Show the above to your family,friends.. Post the link on youtube,…

  2. When they’re awaiting trial, all Monsanto people need to be fed only Monsanto products in prison.
    Then research can be done on them later to see how the food affected them.

    • I wouldn’t want to sacrifice lab rats when you can use these people instead.

      • I just sent this article to my local representative and one about OBAMA the King and Romney vs. Ron Paul and told him to wake the fuck up. We need to wake up our representatives in Congress and let them know that we are holding their feet to the fire. MY wife was raggin on me sayin im a conspiracy theorist but i wasn’t doing shit about it. I shut her ass up and told her i have been sending all kinds of articles to my reps letting them know I am holding them accountable. I griped to my rep for voting yes on CISPA after he sent me a letter defending the legislation. I told him to do his research next time and i have been sending him articles on info wars as well as emailing the links to family and friends to try to wake them up too. We have to fight like hell to get stuff done because our representatives and Senators are being bought off with bribes. Get busy everybody!!!!

        • Oh by the way Fanny, i totally agree with your idea about putting the Monsanto Devils in prison to eat their own CRAP!! I pray that they all get what’s coming to them.

    • Well I would prefer staking them to ant beds, but I would say ok to your proposal.

    • Good idea but under the current system it would be brethren poisoning brethren — won’t happen

  3. There are no laws to deal with people and companies like Monsanto. By the time something gets done the GMO damage will be done and overpowering. The thing is “they know this and are counting on it”.

  4. If you are going to poison the rats around the farm, you have to use bait that they really like to eat. In the case of human vermin, use things that are sweet, salty, and fatty. The dumb suckers will eat themselves to death.

  5. Where “Mon” = money, and “Santo” = saint
    Monsanto = Money Worship

  6. Monsanto is the Lord, and government is the Slave. Is that the paid arrangement. You can tell the country is run by filth.

    • Well said. RUN BY FILTH IT IS. I would love to hold one of their CEO’s down for a few weeks and force feed him a daily diet of some of the worst GMO crap i can find. it would give me pleasure. BTW, i went to my local farmer’s market today and picked up a bunch of organic vegetables and fruits. I wonder how long before that’s illegal. When it is, They better look out.

  7. Hmm.

  8. Monsanto and Bill Gates know what is best for us. Only they can save us. Without these fat cats we would be a lost and hopeless people. Thank God that the rich people have figured out better than God and nature what we need to survive. They are our saviors, and until you realize that is exactly how they see themselves, you have no grasp of the real dimensions of the problem. These people are godless.

    • Don’t forget completely Soulless. Soul less god less Ghouls.

    • No they ain’t, their god is satan the devil.

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